Lifestyle Magazine


By Ngscents @ngscents

Hey all crafters out there! Do you love being creative with your crafts? We certainly do! How do you feel about beeswax as an ingredient? Does it make you think of spring with the buzz of bees all around you? Or maybe the word brings warm delicious honey to mind? Well, it may surprise you that the creations of those busy bees out there is also used for soaps, candles, and other bath and body products! I know it sounds a little bit crazy, but it’s true! And we actually sell beeswax pastilles here at Nature’s Garden! You should definitely try it out!

Beeswax is originally made from the honeycomb of bees. It can be used for medicinal purposes such as relieving pain and lowering cholesterol. It is also used for diarrhea, ulcers, swelling and can even be used for hiccups! Beeswax can also be used as stiffening agents in foods and drinks. Besides soaps and candles, other bath and body products can contain it as well, such as cosmetics and toiletries. It can be used to make soaps harder and help them last longer. It can also be used as a thickener and emulsifier.

There are many many benefits for your health and skin care by using beeswax in your products! Besides the medicinal purposes, if used in lotions, it can act as a protector for your skin. It will form a barrier on your skin in protection from irritants. It will also help your skin to retain moisture. Another bath and body product, lip balms, can also contain beeswax. It can help your lips from becoming chapped. Awesome right? I mean how much better could it get? It is such a versatile product!

Here at Nature’s Garden we actually sell beeswax pastilles. No chemicals were used to bleach our wax, it was naturally bleached from air and sun exposure. We also offer a free beeswax class that will teach you how to properly use it in your great products! And on top of that, we also have a free recipe for a beeswax candle! If you’re a candle maker, you should definitely make a note to yourself to try this awesome candle as an upcoming project. Now to get to those products on our website, there are a couple of ways. First, you can just type “beeswax” into the search bar on the top of our site. That will take your directly to a page titled “Search Results for “Beeswax”” which has all three of those products. You can also go to our Candle Supplies option at the top of the site and hit Candle Waxes in the drop box. The pastilles are available there. The recipe and class are available by going to the link at the top of the site that shows a little green box that says “Free Classes and Recipes,” or there is also a link to the classes and recipes on the left of the site.

beeswax products page

candle waxes page

How much more awesome could this product get? Not much I think! It is just so versatile! All crafters should definitely include this as a new ingredient in their products or should make sure to try it out soon! Please contact us if you have questions or concerns and keep looking for more Enlightened by Layla!

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