Gardening Magazine

Bee-time (Thyme...)

By Mwillis
With our gardens full of flowers at this time of year, we all hope that the gardens will also be full of bees, don't we? The trouble is, bees are in short supply. Well, let's qualify that: honey bees are in short supply. I see plenty of the bigger bees around, the type I call "Bumble Bees" (although I know they mostly are not).
During the last week or ten days I have seen several honey bees though, so I have been trying to photograph them. My photos are not particularly brilliant, but at least they prove that I have seen some bees!
Bee-time (Thyme...)
Bee-time (Thyme...)
Bee-time (Thyme...)
Bee-time (Thyme...)
Bee-time (Thyme...)This year I have more flowers in my garden than before, so hopefully they are doing their bit to attract (and of course, feed) the bees. Like this Broad-Leaved Thyme:
Bee-time (Thyme...)
Bee-time (Thyme...)
Bee-time (Thyme...)
And this alleged "Greek Oregano"...
Bee-time (Thyme...)If you have been following my blog, you may have gathered that Greek Oregano is supposed to repel white butterflies. (Notice the netted cabbages in the background of the photo above). However, I can tell you that whilst Oregano/Marjoram flowers are very attractive to bees, the certainly do NOT repel white butterflies!

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