Some exciting news:
Becoming Madame is Becoming Maman (!!), and that explains, along with the full time job, much of the white space this blog has seen over the last little while.
Marveling in my new role, it is increasingly obvious to me that the way we do things back home when it comes to parenting isn’t exactly the way the French do it. Fascinated as I am by the comparisons between my native and adopted cultures, I’m going to introduce this blog to topics concerning parenthood: pregnancy in France, breastfeeding, maternity leave, bilingualism, remarkably effective creams for red little bottoms, schooling options, chickenpox, baby food and menus, vaccinations… simply put, parenthood à la française. These topics won’t replace my first loves – travel, wine, food, literature – they will, I hope, enhance and complete the picture of a life lived in France.
Stay tuned!