I still remember my primary school teacher, her sweet, authoritative style and her fundamental teachings. I owe to her my starting reading books very early, though coming from a humble family and from a house with very few books inside. She gave me my first two novels, when I was 7 or 8, Little Women and Cuore, thus giving start to a never-ending passion for literature. A few years later, I started loving everything British when an extravagant, cheerful, colourful teacher of English entered my classroom. I was 12 then, and I became curious, eager to learn that language so foreign to me and to discover more and more about Britain, which I would only visit at 21 for the first time, but which I started dreaming of since our first lesson together. I am what I am, I mean, a teacher of English in love with everything British and very fond of books thanks to them both. I think today is the right day to thank and remember them both since October 5th is World Teachers' Day! What about celebrating it together? Have a look at these infographic by Grammarly and start thinking how you could celebrate this very special day!
What can you do?
What about thanking a teacher who made a difference in your life? Whether you’re still in school or you haven’t set foot in a classroom in years, World Teachers’ Day is the perfect time for all of us to tell our teachers that their work paid off.A second things we all may do today is to consider donating to a nonprofit organization that supports educators, such as Teachers Without Borders. Do you know any other nonprofit organization that supports educators? Please, tell us about them in your comments. We want to hear about the greatest teachers you know! Tell us in the comment section below. We are what we are thanks to our teachers ... Watch this video