Fashion Magazine

Beauty | Soap & Glory Supercat Liner

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
Beauty | Soap & Glory Supercat LinerThe first time I used this eyeliner it was an absolute disaster. After using the Collection Felt Tip Liner and it running down my face after an hour of wearing, I thought that me and felt tip liners just weren't meant to be. Then I picked this up on a whim and made a complete mess of my face, I just couldn't get the hang of it. In a hissy fit I thew it into my Muji drawers and didn't pick it up for weeks until I had a little re-organising moment and decided to give it another whirl.

The Soap & Glory Supercat Liner  (£6) is a slimline felt tip liquid pen that can create the most amazing winged liner. When used with a super steady hand the pen can conjure up thin lines along the lashes to create a fuller look and can be winged out to create that signature 'cat eye' look. I kinda think that since I've done winged liner ever since I started using make-up so it comes pretty natural to me now. However, if you're a newbie to creating flicks this would be a great product to try out first (if you have patience). The liquid dries quick which is great if you're in a rush and means that there's less chance of you accidentally rubbing the liner away. It also lasts all day; I go to work and come home and my eyeliner still looks as good as it did in the morning when I first applied it. 

It's a big thumbs up from me S&G! I may have to dabble into more of their make-up, I've heard great things about their powders, especially Solar Powder... We'll see! Let me know what S&G makeup you love and what products you use to create eyeliner, I'd love to know!

Beauty | Soap & Glory Supercat Liner
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