My day job is very hectic, so the majority of my day-to-day life is of a
fast paced nature. I have many things crammed in to each hour and try
to spend my time wisely. One thing I am super slack on, is trying to
make more of an effort with my make up. A prime example is this morning
I got up at half 6 to go to the gym and do a spin class before I went
to work, I came home at 8.15, showered, made my lunch up, had a cup of
camomile tea then walked to work. I had 15 minutes to walk to work, so
you can imagine the state my face and make up was in! I just don't have
the time or patience to give myself a good half an hour or so to create
the ideal look, I'm very aware that at 27 I should be indulging in
such a thing, but I honestly am quite lazy with it.
When my sisters wedding came about, I knew I was going to have to create
my look. Luckily we had a hairdresser to sort my messy straw bundle
out, but with make up I was flying solo. I'd browsed looks online, what
other bridesmaids wore at weddings, what was fashionable this season
and so on - but I was worried I'd be forever maintaining something all
day. I wanted to come across like my skin was flawless, that it looked
fabulous but effortless. One thing I am a believer of is that with make
up, is that
less is more. If you start small you can always build, if you go in guns blazing, you're often having to keep on top of it.
I have created a video of how to create a sultry smokey eye look with your make up. I'm using the great,
Next make up range, that is all an absolute bargain!
Please excuse this video
- I've never vlogged before, I'm fully aware I do babble on a bit. I
hope you find it helpful! I'd love to know any thoughts or feedback.

smokey eyes, can be one extreme or the other. If you just want to jazz
your eyes up, use my way and slowly add on. I never go OTT with my make
up, I like to make a statement but I certainly believe you don't have
to cover yourself in make up to do so. The look I created was perfect
for a night out with some friends, on a warm summers evening.
What do you think?