Fashion Magazine

Beauty | Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
Beauty | Shu Uemura Eyelash CurlersNever in a million years did I imagine myself spending £20 on eyelash curlers. But hey, I guess that's what 'beauty blogging' does to you. Once again, a product that's done its rounds on the blogs and can rightfully hold itself strongly under the 'cult product' category. I'd been eyeing up (no pun intended) the prestigious Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers for absolutely ages and now I finally have my hands on them.

Being known for the best set o'curlers around, I had mega high hopes for these - I mean, I'd spent twenty English bleedin' pounds on them. They look just like a regular curler apart from the brand engravement but boy, do they make some difference to your lashes. Once you apply the right pressure at the root of your lashes, they assist in creating an insanely good curl. I do three squeezes and hold the last squeeze for a couple more seconds for a bigger impact before applying mascara. I've also been using these on no make-up days too, just to give me a little boost. Everything that you've heard about this tool is true and I, hand on my heart, have been converted. I'd love to know if you're a Shu lover? Or maybe you're a bit skeptical about the price tag like I was? Let me know in the comments below, thanks for reading! 

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