Hi all pretty ladies! How are you all! Very busy these days?? Well to be started with life isn’t just so perfect for us. Either we start worrying about our families, work life, love life or about our skin. Yes, you read that right ‘Skin’. Skin of our body can be considered as important as any vital organ in the human system. Who doesn’t want a clean and glowing skin that magnifies the beauty or attractiveness of the person. And it has various problems also associated. But yes, this is the major and the most common issue, which we women come across. And takes so much pressure on ourselves, for our skin to look perfect. You apply so much makeup to hide the skin flaws. This is the only thing which we can afford to do in lesser time rather than taking care of our skin. Right???
I’m a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won’t need a lot of makeup. This is the best thing to keep your skin glowy and healthy. There are lots of natural products which make your skin naturally healthy and clear and you don’t need to put heavy makeup to hide flaws.
Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Check out the essentials you required in keeping your skin healthy.
SleepThe first step to attain a beautiful and glowing skin is to sleep for at least 8 hours a day. All day working also gives you a tired look, which you can improve it by taking a good amount of sleep.If you sleep badly, you are likely to become stressed, and this can cause the capillaries to tighten up, affecting the flow of nutrients to the skin and scalp and causing the skin problems. So try to take a good amount of sleep.
Drink plenty of waterDrinking a lot of water gives you glowing skin. Celebrities would suggest drinking some water—they seem to all claim it’s the secret behind their supple, glowing, always camera-ready skin. There are lots of benefits associated with drinking water, it hydrates your skin from the inside out.
Moisturizing your skin both internally and externally is a critical combination for healthy, beautiful skin.
Eat foods with antioxidantsEating a diet rich in antioxidants is not only good for your health but also it’s great for your skin. Think of it as your internal skincare regime. You must intake foods which contain Vitamin A, C and E to keep your skin healthy. Try to increase antioxidants foods intake to give your skin natural shine and glow.
Cleansing your skin‘Cleansing’- This is a must for everyone. All day out, working day to night makescyour skin look dull. So, how can you make them refreshing?? Just by cleaning it nicely and removing makeup before goibg to sleep is a must. Sleeping while makeup on,is a big No No and Cleansing followed up with a toner and a good moisturizer is a must. Keep these things in mind always.
Limit your sun exposure with Sunblock
You must have already known, that sun rays is harmful to your skin. We’ve all heard the horrors of what too much sun exposure can do to our skin. Being exposed to sun not only diminishes your skin color but also the Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the number-one cause of skin cancer. So try to limit your exposure from sun for healthy skin and always wear a sunblock with at least SPF 30.
Opt for natural skin productsNatural products which are available through natural resources are simply the best and no one can deny me. Right?? Ofcourse a big yes to my question. Opt for natural products than to artificial ones. Give chemicals a miss by try out natural products such as Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt, Avocado, Lemon Essential Oil, Argan Oil, Aloe Vera and more such products.
Well! I hope these tips and remedies will help you and to your skin. And remember one thing always that Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a Miracle.