Gadgets Magazine

Beam Me In: Star Trek-Themed Home

Posted on the 02 May 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


Sheldon would definitely approve this.

Remember that guy who transformed his basement into a real-life Batcave? Well, I thought that no would ever be able to top that. But, guess what. Steve Nighteagle did. He’s the man who built himself a Star Trek themed home.

“I disliked my life in the past, the now is OK!  Star Trek gives me the way to escape from those areas,” Star Trek geek Nighteagle said. The guy is an expert builder, and a super Trek nerd. So, he has designed and built most of the parts of this home by himself over the course of four years.



Other than that dog in there, this could be the perfect home for any geek to live in.


[Via: Man Designs and Builds Unique Star Trek-Themed Home Oddity Central]
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Roshan Jerad Perera

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