Hair & Beauty Magazine

Beach Holiday Beauty Essentials

By Beckysmakeup @beckysMABBlogs

Beach Holiday Beauty Essentials

When it comes to packing for a week away in the sun I take packing my beauty essentials pretty seriously and it's safe to say that, aside from passport, tickets, and money, they take precedence. In the weeks leading up to my holiday my iPhone notes section will be filled with random 'essentials' that I need to purchase pre departure. It's been a while since I indulged in a real beach holiday, so Kudos to my boyfriends sister for choosing none other than Party Island Ibiza as her wedding destination. With 3 months to go until take off I have already started the pre holiday prep and after taking in Lisa Eldridges latest video I am well and truly on my way to be sorted for a week in the heat!

Its easy to get carried away when it comes to packing and in the past I have been known to return with an arsenal of items which I did not use/need. I think its going away with my boyfriend that does it, not having the safety net of the girls, knowing that if you do forget an important makeup item your girlfriends are there to bail you out. However with a limited baggage allowance I need to whittle it down to the essentials that I know I will use and heres the spiel.

A few weeks before take off I like to get my body prepped i.e. giving my body a little pre holiday tanning.  After many a fake tan fail I have found the safest bet to be of the gradual tanners/moisturisers. Garnier Body's Summer Body is probably the most user friendly. Easy to apply, quick drying and it comes in at less than a fiver. Sold. My only niggle is that it does have a rather potent fake tanning scent after it has dried. Apply at night and shower in the morning = problem solved, or else risk colleagues looking for the biscuit tin every time you walk past. For my face I have been adding a quick swipe of Clarins Liquid Bronze using a cotton pad. I use this after my final skincare step, just before bed. It takes a few applications to see a difference yet is so natural that no one would even think you have been topping up the fake tan.

Tanning prep aside, its time to bring on the protection ladies. I am not going to go into a big lecture, we all know the importance of sun protection so lets use it. I am a big fan of the mists over the cream formulas. Albeit a tad pricier, but a lot more easy to use. Nivea Suns SPF20 Cooling Mist often gets thrown in my handbag on hotter days as its quick enough to use on the go without having to wait an era for it to dry. I tend to use a separate protection for my face and am a big fan of Clarins SPF30 Sun Wrinkle Cream which is a light formula which leaves a good base for make up without it slipping and sliding over my face. With this you will find that a think layer works best, and take your time to really work into the skin so that it sinks in rather than leaving a residue on the surface. If however you dislike the idea of applying a cream formula SPF then why not try a powder instead. I am really loving Glo Minerals Powder SPF30* at the moment which is a mineral based powder you can apply on the go. You literally give it a shake to disperse some powder into the brush and then dust all over your face. It adds an almost veil to the skin, which is undetectable so you can be safe in the knowledge that you are protected whilst keeping shine at bay. Although the brush is a tad rough for my liking, I haven't burnt a bit fingers crossed! Just don't forget to reapply often.

With protection of the skin variety covered its time to move onto hair. For all you water babes out there, you will know only too well the effects of chlorine, salt water, and sun on your hair. I can't count how many times I have come back from the beach and had to spend an age trying to get a comb through my hair to be left with split sun damaged mess. So this year I am going prepared. Mainly because I need my hair to be in tip top shape for the wedding, and with 3 free days prior to the wedding I shall be be topping up my tan in prep I therefore can't risk ruining my hair. So I will be packing the Philip Kingsleys Swim Cap*. You apply this to damp hair, I plan on dampening my hair and then running some of this through it before sweeping it into a fishtail plait of some sort - beach chic at its best! 

Makeup wise I like to go minimal and use long lasting products. I am a far cry from the girl applying lipgloss by the pool. For days when I need a little coverage I will be sticking to my Christian Dior BB Cream or Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser. Both medium/light coverage which are both versatile and buildable whilst still letting my natural skin show through. For some added color its stains all the way. I recently picked up one of the Esteé Lauders Cello Shots which is a gel based cheek stain, and is ridiculously long lasting for a cheek color and can be doubled up as a lip stain with a touch of SPF lipbalm over the top. Whilst on the subject of lips, if you are anything like me then you will want some color whilst sitting by the pool or on the beach so your best bet is so grab your self some lip stains. I am still waxing lyrical about the Revlon Kissable Balms which are a permanent in my handbag, and I will be popping Honey and Rendezvous into my makeup bag this year.  

So with my holiday beauty essentials slowly but surely being ticked off the list, all thats left is finding A. a dress for the wedding and B. getting my 'bikini bod' ready! Onto Day 5 of 30 day shred I go...
*PR Sample(s)

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