When it comes to maintaining your beach body, you might go through drastic routes that may end up making you feel miserable. No need for that here, ladies, as you can well achieve your goal without starving yourself out. There are easy ways that you can cut on your calories without resorting to prohibiting yourself from your everyday cravings. Instead, take the healthy approach and you’ll soon feel better and still keep your beach body.

Big, healthy breakfast
It’s a scientific fact: breakfast is the most important meal of your day. This is why you just can’t afford to miss it. Eating a full, healthy breakfast will make you eat less throughout the day, as well as powering you up for an energetic day ahead. If you use margarine or butter on your toast, spread some sugar-free jam instead.
Eat some fruits for more vitamins and eat bread that is of the wheat variety. Also, if you’re making an omelet, cook it in a non-stick pan with egg white and avoid using oil. You can opt to add a bit of skim milk for an extra fluffy meal.
Your coffee order
That wonderful Frappuccino you order every day is loaded with calories. To get your caffeine fix without the calories, opt instead for an ice blended coffee, and if you want to make it sweet, put some a little brown sugar into it. Avoid white sugar while you can and get your coffee order without the whipped cream.
Dressing your salad
Making and eating a vegetable salad does not necessarily constitute a healthy diet. You need to pay attention the dressing as well. The healthiest salad dressings available include a bit of wine, a squeeze of lemon or some balsamic vinegar.
Orange juice
If you crave for some orange juice, keep in mind that those that come in bottles contain much more calories than the label may let on. Instead, opt for some freshly squeezed orange juice. This has the added benefit of fiber in the fruit, which helps clear your digestive tract.
Water for your drink
When dining out, instead of choosing from the variety of sugar-loaded drinks on the menu, order a glass of water. This will fill you up nicely, enabling you to eat less while keeping you hydrated and healthy. This will help you greatly in cutting down your calorie consumption.
Ice cream
If you’re craving for some ice cream, check out the healthier substitute instead, sorbet. It is just as delicious and is absolutely healthier than ice cream. For an even healthier cold snack, you can also opt to have some yoghurt, which comes in a wide variety of flavors that you’ll surely love.
Sweet treats
Next time you feel like eating sweet treats, such as cookies, go for the healthier variety instead, which feature low-fat consumption and nutritional value. This would include fig bars or graham crackers. Or, if you feel like going organic, you can always choose from a wide variety of sweet fruits, such as apples or grapes.
This season, maintain your bikini-ready body without completely resorting to the dangers of dire starvation. With these easy tips for your calorie-cutting, you’ll be able to stay healthy and satisfied. Follow these tips for more memories at the beach or pool with your favorite swimwear, especially when you wear something as fabulous as this Profile by Gottex Waterfall One Piece, perfect for showcasing your beach bod.