Scientific research show that you can change your level of happiness. It may take some effort and persistence, but the good part is that it is doable, for anyone. Ph.D Robert Holden is one of the greatest authorities in the "happiness department", having written several bestselling books and being a regular guest on Oprah, and has created the Happiness Project and Shift Happens, all of them really good I can say. Robert Holden has created an eight week course in happiness which can be found in his book Be Happy. This mini course for eight days is based on that and was created for Oprah. The recommended time for the excersize is at least 15 minutes. Happy happy!
There are two meta-attitudes that are proven to increase your happiness levels. They are forgiveness and gratitude. Sometimes to be happy in the present moment, you have to be willing to give up all hopes for a better past. Forgiveness is the key to releasing the past and recommitting to your life now. It's impossible to carry wounds and be happy. You can't be a victim and be joyful. You can't keep neglecting yourself and feel whole. Forgiveness helps you to find your heart again, to be true to yourself and to let go of the past and be free.Be Happy Exercise:
Your assignment today is to practice self-forgiveness. Declare today a day of new beginnings in which you forgive yourself for all the past occasions when you have treated yourself in loveless and careless ways. Self-forgiveness is the key to loving yourself. This is so important, because it is impossible to love others and not love yourself. Also, the more you love yourself, the easier you make it for others to love you too. Forgiveness is the key to love and happiness.
More: Facebook.com/drrobertholden Robertholden.org
oprah.com Note: The original 8-week happiness program is written up in the book Be Happy (published by Hay House) Image via Pinterest via http://lexmel.tumblr.com