If your self-tanning experiences are anything like my past ones, instead of looking like a golden goddess, you end up achieving more of an Oompa-Loompa look (queue up the Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory music now). To date I’ve been anti self-tanners as they always fall short (make that streaky). But in my recent quest to avoid looking like Casper the Ghost this summer, I decided to embrace the sun-in-a-bottle option. I rigorously researched the best self-tanners that provide an even, bronzed hue sans the orangey, streaky body parts.
So on behalf of all skin enthusiasts out there who want to avoid looking like leathery-skinned, overly-tanned Magda (There’s Something About Mary), these worthy self-tanners will deliver the golden goods! Who’s ready to be a bronzed beauty sans the sun? Ready…set…glow!
Top-Rated Self-Tanners
Fake Bake Self-Tanning Mousse ($28): This “tan in a can” truly is a smart way to get a golden bronze tan and is as easy as pie to apply due to its foam texture. And as it’s a light-weight mousse, it dries a lot faster than a lotion or spray. (Can be used for body and face.) Read on…

For the complete article including self-tanning techniques and product images go to Be A Golden (Sunless) Goddess: Worthy Self-Tanners + Technique Musts! on GalTime.com! Crows’ Feet, Cupcakes, and Cellulite has joined GalTime’s Editorial Beauty Expert panel and is a regular contributor!

What are your favorite self-tanners, CCC readers? Share ‘em in the comments section below!