From Old Yale Brewing out of Chilliwack comes their brand new "BC Backyard Lager" a beer made from 100% British Columbia ingredients. The beer pours a golden yellow colour with a white head. The aroma consists of citrus, grassy hops, grain and rye malts. The flavour is of citrusy lemon, melon, herbal hops, grainy and rye malts and a decent resin and bitterness in the finish for the style. The alcohol content comes in at 5% with an IBU of 25. While this is not my style of beer there is good hit of rye malts and hops that make for a tasty lager even for me!
Commercial Description: Our Rye Lager is hand-crafted and 100% of the ingredients are grown right in our backyard - Beautiful BC. Barley and rye blend with Chilliwack hops for a light, crisp finish. Try a Backyard Lager with a locally caught seafood feast.