Debate Magazine

BBC Admits but Will Not Investigate Why Pic of Sandy Hook’s Noah Pozner is Among Peshawar Massacre Victims

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

On Dec. 16, 2014, Pakistan experienced the deadliest terrorist attack ever to occur in that country when 7 members of the Pakistan Taliban, aka Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), entered the Army Public School in Peshawar and opened fire on school staff and children, killing 145 people, including 132 schoolchildren.

In the BBC news video above, on mourners coming from all over Pakistan to Peshawar, at the 0:03 mark is a picture of an American boy among the Peshawar victims — not just any American boy but Noah Pozner, who we were told was one of 20 children shot to death by Adam Pozner at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012. (See “Dead again: Sandy Hook child victim Noah Pozner also killed in Pakistan Taliban shooting!“)

Noah Pozner in BBC news video on Pakistan Taliban school massacre

Here’s another better view of Peshawar Noah (circled in yellow):

Pakistan Taliban NoahThat poor woman above is weeping for an American boy who was “killed” 2 years ago.

Even more bizarre is the fact that the Army Public School, Pakistani Authorities, and the media have identified the boy (Noah Pozner) in the photo as Huzaifa Huxaifa.

On December 17, 2014, at the end of an article on a photo of a child’s bloody shoe being wrongly attributed to the Peshawar massacre, without naming Noah Pozner, the BBC admitted that the child’s pic mistakenly was included among posters of the Peshawar victims (h/t D.C. Clothesline). This is what the BBC said:

Meanwhile, another picture has been circulating online of victims of the Peshawar massacre – but the montage of images includes the photo of a young boy, Noah Pozner, who died in the Sandy Hook massacre in the United States in 2012.

Here are my questions.

To the BBC:

Having admitted Noah Pozner’s pic should not be included among the Peshawar victims, why aren’t you investigating why and who inserted Noah’s pic?

To U.S. media:

Why aren’t you reporting on and investigating the curious inclusion of Noah Pozner’s pic among the Peshawar dead? Why do you deem this not newsworthy?

To Leonard Pozner*:

Mr. Pozner, why aren’t you and your ex-wife Veronique Haller Pozner unconcerned about the inclusion of your son Noah’s picture among the victims of the Pakistan Taliban in Peshawar?

* Leonard Pozner, the father of Noah Pozner, has decried Sandy Hook skeptics in an op/ed, and has gone after bloggers and YouTubers, using his company HONR Network that specializes in getting content removed from YouTube and the Internet. Leonard Pozner’s harassment and intimidation of blogger and college student Timothy Hunter is especially reprehensible. Hunter’s youtube and email were blocked (see his tweet below); he no longer blogs; and Hunter is now so spooked, he won’t even communicate with me although he and I had collaborated on an important post, “Sandy Hook deception: Associated Press stories & photos predate the massacre.”

Timothy Hunter tweet

The silence from the BBC, U.S. media, and Leonard Pozner is DEAFENING.

Here’s contact info. for the BBC, New York Times, Newtown Bee, Fox News, and Leonard Pozner:


New York Times:

The Newtown Bee:

  • Mailing address: PO Box 5503, Newtown CT 06470
  • Ph: 203-426-3141
  • Fax: 203-426-5169
  • Email:

Fox News:

  • Ph: 1-888-369-4762
  • Sean Hannity’s email:
  • Glenn Beck’s email:
  • The O’Reilly Factor:

Leonard Pozner, age 47:

  • 3 Kale Davis Rd, Newtown, CT 06482
    Ph: 203-426-1121
  • HONR Network’s address: 908 N Dixie Highway, Suite 240, Boca Raton, FL 33432

For all the posts FOTM has published on Sandy Hook, go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre” page, especially “No one died in Sandy Hook: Testimony from Social Security Death Master File.”


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