I started with LEARN ON LINE to provide my students with audiovisual materials as well as notes, useful links, power point presentations and so on. But, soon after, I felt like I wanted something more personal and I started writing FLY HIGH , with my book reviews, favorite period dramas, films and series, art, trips and journeys, theatrical shows, school and ... my one weakness, British actor Richard Armitage.

Now, how should I measure how successful my efforts have been in your opinion? Counting how many comments a day I get? How many new followers I get? Because , despite all those efforts, the stats haven't changed so much, my followers haven't become more numerous and comments are actually rare, not that many. I should presume they were totally unsuccessful, then :-/

I'm quite disappointed with facebook or twitter. What happens most of the time is that someone retweets your link without reading your piece , or they "like" the link on fb without even having a look at what you wrote. Sometimes people comment directly the link on fb without following it, clocking on it. They just look at the picture, ignore if you wrote something positive or negative about that book, film, topic, person and ... leave their comment!

Do you think it is worth going on posting my links there? FLY HIGH facebook friends are 1329, and My Jane Austen Book Club fb page has been liked by 803. My followers on both blogs are dramatically fewer.
Conlcusion: Blogging is such fun I'm not planning to stop. Seriously thinking of dumping social networks down, instead!
I'd like to understand why that happen. What should I change according to you, expert or enthusiastic bloggers? What do you suggest me to do to improve my blogging activity? Any tip will be really welcome!