Gaming Magazine
Battlefield 4 Rubber-banding Issue to Be Fixed, DICE Promises
Posted on the 02 April 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKuliiBattlefield 4′s rubber-banding issue, which sees players skipping uncontrollably across multiplayer maps due to server issues, will be fixed, according to a pledge from developer DICE.
Over on Battlelog, DICE wrote, “We wanted to provide a quick update on the issues with Battlefield 4 “rubber-banding” some players on certain platforms experienced during matches with 64-players.
“Looking into this further, we’re unhappy with our server performance, so we’ll be upgrading the hardware as soon as possible, investing more to deliver a better experience.
“As soon as we know the exact timetable, we’ll let you know the ETA. Reducing lag for these players is absolutely a TOP priority for us to solve and we expect to have the solution very soon.”
If they can actually fix this issue, I might actually consider booting the game back up.