TV & Video Magazine

Battle of the Episodes: And the Winner Is…

Posted on the 03 January 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

20131202-222554.jpgOur Journey must end.

We last left off with you, our faithful, ESL readers, basically flipping the virtual coin between Shreveport and Bon Temps (brackets) to determine our last stop on our road through the True Blood episodes. Which was extremely tough since you were choosing between Shreveport’s “I Wish I was the Moon” and Bon Temps’ “I Will Rise Up”.

The votes have been counted and we have a winner!

So buckle up one more time because we are headed to:



<a href="">Take Our Poll</a>

“I Wish I was the Moon”, the number 1 seed in our tournament went all the way to the top spot!

I hope y’all had as much fun as I had on our road trip together.

Till next time loves!

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