Through some random conversation at work today, I recounted these events, so I thought I would share the story with you guys:
When I was around 11 years old or so, I went to my room one Sunday afternoon and dozed off by accident. Now before I had fallen asleep, the house was full of people eating Sunday dinner. My aunt and uncle were home next door. My neighbors were home across the street. The neighborhood was pretty much bustling with action.
When I awoke and came out of my cave a couple of hours later, I couldn't find a soul in my house. I went next door, but my aunt and uncle were gone too. I went over to see if my neighbor friend wanted to play, but nobody was there. It was eerily quiet in the neighborhood.
I was beginning to get a little concerned at his point, so I went back home and called my grandmother's house. No answer.
So I dialed my other aunt's house. No answer.
I tried several more numbers and got either no answer or an answering machine.
Just about that the time I hung up the phone the fifth time, I had a flashback to a movie we had seen in church, a two hour fear fest about the rapture.
And just about the time I had that flashback, I heard a whole pack of dogs break the silence with some high pitched, really insane sounding yowling.
And just about 2.5 seconds later, I was under the bed armed with my baseball bat and Bible - ready to fight off anyone who tried to put the mark of the beast on me.