My son’s a little young yet to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but he’s been witness to this epic battle his whole life. Between TV shows and movies, t-shirts and Halloween costumes, and of course multiple action figures of each — my 6-year-old has grown up amidst this greatest of superhero struggles.
Yet nowhere has this played out more frequently than in his lunch box. The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel are not only the two most iconic superheroes on earth, but they’ve also made more appearances as SuperLunchNotes than another other character. Between the two of them, they’ve accompanied his PBJ and Pirate’s Booty on nearly 25 occasions. And that’s not even counting notes featuring sidekicks, pets, or rogues galleries.
So to commemorate the premiere of the big screen skirmish, I thought I’d feature some of my favorite notes from each titan, then let you weigh in on who should be declared the winner of Batman v Superman: SuperLunchNotes… And your pick could win one of two $100 movie gift cards from!
But first, the contenders:
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Batman holds the honor of being featured on both my most popular note (above) and the very first lunch note (below left).

Having perhaps the most iconic superhero silhouette, he’s most often depicted as only a head. The fact that he’s really easy to draw has a lot to do with his frequency, particularly on mornings when we’re all running way behind.

Though he’s known for having a somewhat dismal persona, I’ve had a lot of fun turning that on it’s, um, ear. Whether he’s part of a spoofy Christmas song, in LEGO form, or doing the Batusi, the irony never gets old.

But I find Batman’s most useful when he’s admonishing my energetic and determined young ward. The stern face pairs well with any encouragement, be it a request to listen in class or a reminder of how awesome and loved he is.

There’s a reason Superman is the first, best-known superhero in history. He’s strong, he’s brave, and he just an all-around nice guy. These traits — expressed in doodle form — are a great way to remind my son that we’ve got his back as he heads out into the grand adventures of school days.

Speaking of which, Supes seems to work with pretty much any day — Mondays, Fridays, birthdays…

…and his loyalty and patriotism are great ways to celebrate Thanksgiving and Independence Day!

So who will it be — Batman or Superman? Pick a side and enter to win one of two $100 Gift Cards from
Contest ends at midnight EST Friday, April 1. Multiple ways to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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While you’re here, why don’t you fly (or hop in your Batmobile) on over and check out Designer Daddy on Facebook?