Books Magazine

Bathing with a Bomb

Posted on the 27 July 2014 by Cheekymeeky

Guest Post Contribution

For as long as we can remember, people have used ingredients mixed with water to treat many maladies. Some cures involve mixing things like oatmeal to cure rashes, while others encourage using eucalyptus or other calming plants to relax. Whatever the reason, placing products in the bathtub is a very common and popular practice throughout the world, which makes the market for bath products so popular!

Lovely bath bombs

Lovely bath bombs

Different Types of Products on the Market

Adding things to the bath has been a standard in our world for a long time. There are many products offered on the market today that promise relaxation and other added benefits from using them with warm water in your bath. Bath oils come in a ball format and are usually firm if you squeeze them. They dissolve over time due to the warmth of the water, but can leave behind a sticky residue in the bathtub.

Bath oils can be squirted directly into the tub, but are often undetectable during the bath because they are so faint. Bubble bath is fantastic for children or adults, but you must be careful because depending on the type it can dry your skin out. One of the most fun products and most versatile is the bath bomb. There are many types that you can choose from, and they all offer benefits for your skin while still enhancing your bathing experience!

Different Types of Bath Bombs
  • Celebration – Bath products have been a popular gift for people to give others for a long time, and bombs are no different. In fact, certain companies make them for specific holidays and special occasions, such as anniversaries and birthdays! You can buy many designs in the shape of cakes, cupcakes, and other traditional symbols of these holidays. This is a fun spin on the gift of bath oils or bath product baskets that are normally given as gifts for these purposes.
  • Traditional – The most commonly sold and used type of bath bomb is the traditional bath bomb. This
    particular product comes in a variety of colors and materials, because it can be customized to be used for relaxation, skin purification, and other reasons. However, the combination of ingredients in the bath bombs normally stays true to form and they do not vary in their appearance like the other selections do.
  • Luxury – If you are looking for a luxurious experience, there are bombs that you can buy that contain the types of ingredients that you would expect if you were spending your money to go out on a spa day. These ingredients will leave your skin purified and feeling more youthful, as well as leaving your mind and body completely at peace after a relaxing bath.
  • Entertainment – Bath products do not have to be for relaxing purposes only! If you want to have a fun, fizzy bath for yourself or for children, the bombs are also offered in a variety of fun designs that are fun for all ages. They are always entertaining to watch them dissolve in the bathtub, so these fun designs are worth the purchase!

No matter if you want to buy bath bombs for someone else for a particular occasion or if you are purchasing them for yourself for your daily use, there are many choices for you to look at and search through to find the right one that you want!

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