Finance Magazine
I've picked up some brilliant plant bargains just recently, perhaps it's been because I haven't really been food shopping so much and have had my eyes open for other things.
The two large plant pots in the top photo were a really good find early on a quiet Monday morning at Tesco. They had obviously just been given a good watering as they were dripping wet and by the time I had arrived were already perking up nicely. They both contain four plants, Lavender, Rosemary, a Pepper and a Tomato plant, annoyingly it doesn't give any information about the plants but they are healthy enough and I think I'll repot them into their own pots soon. At the moment they are stood on the patio looking really good in the big terracotta pots they came in. The pots alone are worth the £2.50 I paid for each pot.
There were four for sale at this price but I left the others for someone else to grab a bargain.
A couple of days later also at Tesco I came across these trays of French Marigolds reduced from £2 each to just 20p each ... and you know me I had a PLAN in mind straight away :-)
My plan was to take one of the trays of marigolds and plant them where I need them to attract all the beneficial insects for my crops ... and then use the other along the lines of yesterdays post ... making money from virtually nothing.
Potted up in some old black plastic plant pots that cost me nothing, the marigolds will be added to either this weeks or next weeks car boot sale stall. Hopefully I will be able to get 50p each for them now they are already getting bigger.
So I should be able to make £3 for my 20p outlay ...every little helps and adds nicely to the Food and Plants Fund.
While I was at Tesco there just inside the doorway there was a wire tray full of these boxes ...
...all reduced to clear.
So altogether for the marigolds and these packs of flower bulbs I spent a grand total of £1.50, the full retail price should have been £14. If I make the hoped for £3 at the car boot sale I will be £1.50 in profit and have lots of flowers for us ....and the bees.
Plant bargains make me just as happy as food bargains.
Sue xx