Remember this post last week when I said 'Today I've been mostly processing apples', well I thought I better show you the photos of the goodies I made with the apples and the bargain packs of pastry .....

... that for some reason I thawed out all in one go!!
In my defence I have to say I didn't realize that each of the wider boxes had two rolls of ready rolled pastry in them, even more of a bargain than I thought at the time. So I ended up with lots of pastry to use up .... not that it was in any way a real problem, I LOVE pastry :-)

I made four pretty big pies, although the dishes were quite small they were very deep and I used up all of my apples ....

... and a bit of rhubarb that was left in the fridge, quickly stewed with some brown sugar, to make them.

Raiding the fridge for something else I could encase in pastry meant I could also add four small quiches to my days pastry work. Simply filled with goats cheese, a bit of crumbled up Feta cheese, some spinach and a couple of cubes of pesto straight from the freezer, and of course a couple of our own eggs.

I always have pesto in the freezer, frozen in ice cube trays it means it means it's always available for adding it's wonderfully strong garlic and herb hit to many a dish.

And the pastry I had left was quickly turned into five Jam Turnovers (I had already eaten one as soon as it cooled enough to bite into it's pastry yumminess) and half a dozen sweet pastry lids. Which are simply circles of pastry brushed with beaten egg and sprinkled with sugar before baking. If I fancy a mini 'apple pie' for one I can now just open a jar of stewed apple, put a couple of dollops in a bowl and thaw out one of my little lids to pop on top.
Not a bit of my pastry was wasted and now except for one of the apple and rhubarb pies and one of the quiches everything above is safely tucked into the freezer ready for when we need them. The freezer is getting pretty full at the moment, but it's nice to see so much of our homegrown and homemade stuff in there instead of boxes and packets of ready made bought in things.
I'm starting to feel like a squirrel, storing my nuts for Winter ;-)
Sue xx