Art & Design Magazine

Banksy ‘Arrested & Real Identity Revealed’ Is A Hoax

By Creativevisualart @creativevisart

banksy dreams cancelled

Elusive graffiti artist Banksy’s cover was blown when he was unceremoniously arrested for vandalism, conspiracy, racketeering and counterfeiting.

Well that’s what US website the National Report would have you believe.

The bogus story alleged the infamous street artist was arrested following a raid on his London studio.

It ‘outs’ him as Paul Horner, a 34-year-old born in Liverpool and says he is being held “without” bail, along with four other, unnamed individuals.

Banksy’s publicist Jo Brooks confirmed to the Independent the now viral story is a hoax.

Indeed the quotes which accompany the piece date back to an identical spoof in February last year, which claimed Banksy had been arrested on the same charges and outed as, yep, Paul Horner.

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