Food & Drink Magazine

Baking With Spirit: The October Challenge

By Cakeoftheweek @cakeoftheweek
Baking With Spirit: The October ChallengeDoes the fact I initially wrote "The September Challenge" give you any idea as to how poorly I have wrapped my head around the concept that it is now October?  Maybe it's because it's the second month of Autumn and yet, despite a few leaves starting to hit the ground, the weather still feels almost summery.
Following this theme, I've decided we should get ourselves into the autumnal groove by baking something autumnal, as long as it's also spiked with alcohol. This has quite a wide scope, so I'm hoping it will be a popular month for Baking With Spirit. We shall see...
  • Bake (or cook... or don't even heat it up... I'm not fussy) something autumnal that also contains alcohol
  • Blog about it and link back to this page, mentioning Baking With Spirit and Cake Of The Week
  • Email your entry to [email protected] - please don't forget!
  • Tweet your entry with #bakingwithspirit and/or @cakeoftheweek for a retweet
  • The deadline is midnight on the 28th October
Have fun!

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