Entertainment Magazine

Bad Holiday Specials

Posted on the 26 November 2011 by Thewildheart @wildheartrocks

Today I was on Twitter and found something rather hilarious: #badholidayspecials.

I have a few of my own.

Roseanne Barr sings the holiday classics In the 90′s, Roseanne Barr was best known to American tv audiences as Roseanne Connor, the title character of the show Roseanne. She was brash, controversial, and downright crazy. Her television show was controversial because it was one of the first to feature a same-sex kiss between two characters. Other reasons were due to plotlines dealing with masturbation, gay rights, teenage pregnancy, abortion, among others.

One of Roseanne’s most famous antics was when she performed the National Anthem in 1990 at the baseball World Series Game. It wasn’t so much that tv’s most-insane mother was performing it, but how she was performing it.  

Keeping Your House Safe During the Holidays With Fire Marshall Bill  Would you want this character from In Living Color telling YOU about fire safety in regards to a Christmas tree or menorah? Oh wait. They DID!

A Very Tiny Tim Christmas A falsetto voice for one whole hour. Either you will go deaf or fall into a deep depression that music has sunken this low. Oh and the show’s special guest would include Rebecca Black, William Hung and Justin Bieber!

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