When Twitter censored my account last week (for an anti-government tweet it absurdly called “targeted harassment” of a building), I was forced to start a backup account; given what I’ve seen happen to others on the platform in the past few months, I was planning to do it anyhow just in case my primary one was shut down. So I started the new account, followed myself, then simply followed all the same accounts as my primary account so my news-gathering would be unaffected; I DMed a number of the people I interact with regularly (locked accounts can still DM, they just can’t publicly tweet) and asked them to follow me, then continued as usual (and the publicity garnered 200 new follows on the main account while it was locked). As of Tuesday morning I’m back to tweeting from the primary account, but I ask that those of y’all who use Twitter please follow the backup account as well; if Twitter continues to disfavor, shadowban, and censor sex worker accounts as they have been doing for the past couple of years, or even purge us as several other platforms have, it will be good to have a least a healthy fraction of my current Twitter following already in place at my fallback position. And in the very near future, I’ll probably start a backup for the backup, just in case.