Family Magazine

Back-to-School: Anti-Bullying Books for Parents and Kids

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
For some children, the return to school can be filled with dread, especially if they’re the victim of bullying. As we’ve seen in the news, bullying can be devastating to a child, and can even lead to suicide. Many schools now have anti-bullying programs to discourage bullying at school, but these messages need to be reinforced in the home, through good parenting. Two new books can help parents and children address and prevent bullying.
For parents:
The Bullying Antidote: Superpower Your Kids for Life
By Dr. Louise Hart and Kristen Caven
Back-to-School: Anti-Bullying Books for Parents and Kids

We will never be able to make bullying go away entirely, but we can equip our kids with a “superpower” that enables them to restore their “health, happiness, and balance” in the face of bullying. The authors present both an “outside-in” approach, whereby the adults in kids’ lives are “enforcing rules and laws, and holding kids accountable in order to change behavior,” as well as an “inside-out” approach, whereby adults help “children develop attitudes, values, and skills that empower them to have respectful relationships based on rights and responsibility.” This is a comprehensive parenting strategy to help parents raise children who can resist bullying, as well as prevent them from becoming bullies themselves. Visit the authors' websites at and
For kids:
Bully Bean
By Thomas Weck and Peter Weck
Back-to-School: Anti-Bullying Books for Parents and Kids

Big Bully Bean likes to torment all of the other “Beans” (bear-like creatures) in the kingdom, but especially Lima Bean because he’s different -- he’s green! But when Bully Bean becomes trapped by a rock slide, Lima Bean (the only one who witnessed the fall) runs to get others to help him dig out Bully Bean. After his rescue, Bully Bean is touched by everyone’s generosity in rescuing him, despite his terrible treatment of them. He decides to use his great strength and size to help others instead of bullying them. And Bully Bean’s name is changed to Biggest Bean! This book includes a wonderful guide for parents at the end to “Extend the Learning,” which guides them in talking about the issues in the book with their kids before, during and after reading. Learn more at
Back-to-School: Anti-Bullying Books for Parents and Kids
Back-to-School: Anti-Bullying Books for Parents and Kids
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