Hair & Beauty Magazine

Back Soon….

By Organiclassie @OrganicLassie

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Back Soon….

Hello all!

Just a quick post to let you know that I will be away for a week or two. I’m making some changes to the blog behind the scenes & I’m moving to tumbr. I know, I know… you’re thinking, ‘what’s that loony-tune moving again for???!’ (In all fairness, I never wanted to leave Blogger, Google+ just chose to pick on me…)

Well here are some of the reasons why:

  1. Tubmlr lets me post instagram photos direct to my site, then I can go back and edit the photos in the form of a post which I can add my own URL to. So for instance, if I take a photo of a recipe, I can go back and write the how to.
  2. Tumblr will let me add a page to sell my handmade goodies, along with paypal / google checkout buttons.
  3. Tumblr will let me add etsy widgets – which is a route I am considering to go down.
  4. WordPress will let me do all the above too, IF I pay them £300+ for the privilege!!!  Tumblr only asked me for £20 for a theme & £10 for domain usage, via a third partner. (The website escapes me just now, it wasn’t godaddy, but it’s the only one that is stuck in my head!)
  5. Who would pay ridiculous amounts when you can pay less, then use the unused money to continue creating? 
  6. WordPress are good, but they are taking the proverbial. (To those that I converse with on WordPress, I love you and all of your blogs – I’m referring to the blogging platform not the people who blog on it. I’ve met some FAB people on WordPress & will continue to follow your posts!)

So, I’m just taking the jump now, before I accumulate any more posts that I have to transfer. My new site will be under my business name (to be). Otherwise, I’m just going under my real name, Dana.

Hope you all understand. There’s just no way I can fork out the money for the add on’s on this site, and tumblr offers them at much more decent prices. As for tumblr not being SEO friendly, I’m not sure why… I’ve found out that I can change the root html, meta tags & use unique URL’s plus google analytics etc.

In the meantime, don’t forget to enter my giveaway! It ends this Saturday at noon.

I’ll be back to let you know who the winner is 


Much love, Dana 


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