Love & Sex Magazine

Back Issue: March 2011

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

[Are cops] trying to convince people that the “sex rays” from a hooker’s body radiate out through the windows of her car, causing moral degeneracy in everyone they strike?  Or maybe…that we “traffick” in drug dealers and thieves and then leave them behind when we go like irresponsible urbanites abandoning unwanted dogs in rural areas?  -  “Gateway

Wool and WaterBy March, I had been around long enough for spontaneous patterns to have started forming in the fabric of my content.  I’m not talking about the regular planned features like updates,  miscellanea and Q & A, nor about the harlotographies (this time, the Chinese pirate queen Ching Shih) and fictional interludes (“Spring Forward”), nor the holidays (this time “International Sex Workers’ Rights Day”, “Mardi Gras” and “The Vernal Equinox”).  No, what I’m talking about is the way that new columns flow organically from older ones.  Sometimes it’s simply that once I write about something, I’m naturally inclined to notice other writing about the same topic:  once I had written about prohibitionist number-inventors The Schapiro Group, it was inevitable I’d pay attention when Village Voice did the same thing (“The Soft Weapon”).  Other times, it’s because a readercapuchin monkeys of a past column makes a request for a new one (“The First Time”), or there are so many questions they need a full column to answer (the two-part “Jill Brenneman Q & A”).  Sometimes it’s another writer who notices something I’ve written and links back to it, thus drawing my attention to that article (“Cognitive Impairment”), and sometimes I notice another writer’s work and open up a dialog which has a measurable effect on my blog thereafter (“How Old is Oldest?”).

dog-drinking-waterThough none of the columns from that March were the kind of blockbusters which still occupy the top of my page-view rankings three years later, quite a few of them introduced topics which still pop up often in the TW3 columns (and thus have titles which may sound very familiar).  “A Moral Cancer” (my first column on crypto-moralism), “Check Your Premises” (the absurd contradictions inherent in prohibitionist claims), “The Scarlet Letter” (extrajudicial shame-based punishments), and “Backwards into the Future” (countries with poor human rights records surpassing the US in sex worker rights) all fall into this category.  Still other cover topics you’ll certainly recognize, even if the titles are unfamiliar: power-mad anti-sex politicians (“Legislators Gone Wild”), politicians sending out unsolicited “selfies” to strange women (“Thinking with the Wrong Head”), the danger of BDSM activities with unstable partners (“He Said, She Said”), the “condoms in porn” saga (“Actual Working Knowledge”), gay rights advocates throwing sex workers under the bus (“A Little Help from Our Friends”), the way sex work prohibition hurts all women (“Man’s Inhumanity to Whores”), the weird arse-backward rhetoric of prohibitionists (“Backward, Turn Backward”),danger wear goggles sign the obfuscatory language used by cops to hide the truth (“Recognizing Doubletalk”), and the inability of heterosexual male prostitutes to earn a living (“A Foregone Conclusion”) are all topics we’ve seen here again and again.

Four other posts rounded out the month: “A Short Glossary of Prohibitionism” should be self-explanatory; “Savaging” compares neofeminist behavior to that of domestic sows who devour their own young; “Gateway” looks at the pretense that victimless activities of which moralists disapprove must be banned because they supposedly “lead to” other, actually harmful activities; and “Godwin’s Law”, which I consider one of my best essays, explains why Nazi analogies are sometimes entirely appropriate. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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