Is it just me, or does the idea of a TV show about Heroes of the Homeland fighting to rescue The ChildrenTM from evil dark-skinned foreigners have a vaguely goose-steppy, repurposed-Vedic-symbol sort of feel to it? – “They Never Learn”
Now that news, link and diary columns make up the bulk of each month, the number of entries in these back issue columns has become very small. After the holiday columns (Summer Solstice and “The Revolt of the Prostitutes” for Whores’ Day); the guest columnist (Bo Jensen); the fictional interlude (“The Generation of Leaves“); the harlotography (“Hortense Mancini“); and the Q&A columns (“East is East and West is West“, “Pussy“, “High End“, and “Purely Sexual“), the only ones left to mention are “Aloha, Oy!” (Hawaii’s awful anti-whore schemes), “They Never Learn” (anti-whore TV shows), and “Green Eggs and Ham” (my learning to try new things).