Love & Sex Magazine

Back Issue #92

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Those who foolishly insist on viewing the world through the filter of dogma are blind to everything that dogma will not admit, even when the truth lies right before them.  –  “Not the Same Tree

Back Issue #92

  • Sex cannot be an addiction; those who disagree are selling something.
  • Keeping your questions concise greatly increases my ability to answer.
  • If sexual ignorance is grounds for forbidding it, puritans are in trouble.
  • A society more concerned with appearance than substance is doomed.
  • Laura Lee remembered by Brooke Magnanti and by one of her clients.
  • “[Laura Lee] put herself on the line in a way few have the guts to do.”
  • “Imagine…saying that domestic violence victims need to be arrested.”
  • Politicians & cops snapping their fingers to keep the elephants away.
  • “Sex trafficking” mythology is an inspiration to unscrupulous creeps.
  • “Why do we view [men wanting sex] as being abusive or predatory?”
  • Police violence against whores, and follow-ups to those examples.
  • “A…war on porn would be just as winnable as the…war…on drugs.”
  • How can street sex workers be controlled without criminalization?
  • Claudia Christophe says we should screen allies as we do clients.
  • No matter which direction the cash flows, it’s whores who suffer.
  • French people discover that escort services exist, panic on cue.
  • “Nothing about jackbooted cops storming in…can be pleasant.”
  • Huge hordes of hookers do not follow major sporting events.
  • Older men seek younger women, who capitalize on the fact.
  • “I believe my goldfish is having an affair with my oven mitt.”
  • A prohibitionist “survivor” attempts to infiltrate my blog.
  • Josie Arlington, one of the great madams of Storyville.
  • Former madam tries to cash in on prohibitionist lies.
  • Streetwalker accused of “knowingly” spreading HIV.
  • A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
  • Iceland’s extra-nasty version of the Swedish model.
  • The pleasant tiredness resulting from a busy week.
  • What’s the best way to perform oral sex on a man?
  • Georgia declares prostitution worse than death.
  • Cop hilariously compares whores to vampires.
  • A priest who campaigns for sex worker rights.
  • On the latest attempt to Disnify New Orleans.
  • Whores are no different from everybody else.
  • The court of the demimonde, February 1794.
  • “Bills don’t evaporate when clubs shut down.”Back Issue #92
  • The incredible credulity of Sudhir Venkatesh.
  • Walking stereotype’s lawsuit is dismissed.
  • Wannabe pimp falls for Super Bowl hype.
  • What testosterone doesn’t do to women.
  • Why do so many more escorts kiss now?
  • Introducing a new appointment type.
  • Reflections on the loss of Laura Lee.
  • Louisiana’s crimes against society.
  • My interview with Jill Brenneman.
  • My first big spate of interviews.
  • How does one find an escort?
  • Some weeks are just weird.
  • Do as I say, not as I do.
  • Deadly butt injections.
  • Sex is morally neutral.
  • SASS and chickens.

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