The fact that a cherished tenet of dogma is demonstrably false never stops True Believers from instilling it indelibly into the public consciousness by endless repetition. – “Ban the Super Bowl!”
- The “money is a magic mind-control spell” idiocy expanded to a new level.
- Places Americans dismiss as “3rd world” are ahead of the US in SW rights.
- A good article with a horrible headline: sex work is work, not an “offense”.
- Isn’t it obvious that when pigs are actively engaged in stings, arrests rise?
- The word “illicit” makes the user sound like a pearl-clutching schoolmarm.
- Watching “sex trafficking” hysteria spin out of control is deeply gratifying.
- I hope this rapist spends the rest of his life on the “sex offender” registry.
- Everyone harmed by “prostitution stings” needs to keep suing over them.
- Despite genuflecting to ugly myths, this seems a step in a good direction.
- New sleazy government trick: use civil suits rather than criminal charges.
- It’s “baffling and perplexing” that websites don’t want the web destroyed.
- Stick to ladies with established reputations & you’ll be safe from this evil.
- Despite exaggerated numbers to make it more lurid, this is a huge yawn.
- Emily Yoffe takes a deep dive down the “campus rape crisis” rabbit hole.
- When a whore dies, the media treats it as a form of lurid entertainment.
- Exactly what prohibitionists wanted, despite their claims to the contrary.
- Remember this next time you hear pigs oinking about arresting “pimps”.
- They realized they could expand the panic by adding male “sex slaves”.
- IWW was the 1st major union to support sexworkers; won’t be the last.
- US prohibitionists refer to this kind of lying as “reframing experiences”.
- Massage parlors are popular pogrom targets; they’re low-hanging fruit.
- The State calls torture “correction” and torturers “correctional officers”.
- Picture what you’d think of as “sex trafficking”, then compare it to this.
- No, I won’t “debate” you, nor will I tolerate filth in my online presence.
- “Expert sex therapists” have never labelled “sex addiction” a disorder.
- Lawheads’ capacity for denying reality is nothing short of astonishing.
- More bad laws that destroy civil rights in the name of “sex trafficking”.
- The difference between legalization and decrim cannot be overstated.
- Don’t teach kids about sex; fill their heads with anti-sex propaganda.
- Did you ever wonder why the government stopped harassing bitcoin?
- The owner has since taken down all the pirated porn and apologized.
- Cops struggle to regain control of runaway “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- How does one who lives in a small town or rural area find an escort?
- Migrant African SWs treated as adults rather than childlike “victims”.
- Buried lede: cops sexually assaulted women in order to arrest them.
- The idea that men can’t tell a doll from a woman insults all humans.
- Prudes freak over a common arrangement as old as human culture.
- Reminder: Grady Judd is an utterly loathsome excuse for a human.
- What was the point of talking to Annie if she wasn’t going to listen?
- The word for a place people are kept against their will isn’t “home”.
- Lowering the penalty for something that shouldn’t even be a crime.
- In the modern US & countries it occupies, evil doesn’t have to lurk.
- Destroying the internet to secure a temporary business advantage.
- “Progressive” Washington state reaffirms its “liberal” views on sex.
- Another ludicrous concepts for a supposed “gypsy whore” magnet.
- It’s always a pleasure to see whore-raping scum thrown in prison.
- Congress is split on whether it’s OK for pigs to rob citizens blind.
- A fairly typical abomination, but with an extra racist component.
- I’m aghast at everyone involved in the creation of this shitshow.
- Hmmm, I wonder why they accused this particular restaurateur?
- “Erroneous” implies an honest mistake; this is willful conflation.
- A new twist in Everett, WA’s absurd “bikini barista” melodrama.
- Another sex worker turned performing artist, this one a rapper.
- Not so long ago, most US brothels were owned by sex workers.
- Irish prohibitionists try not to look like the sociopaths they are.
- Don’t “debate” prohibitionists; attack their statements instead.
- The State covering up for rapist cops isn’t confined to the US.
- Bindel is increasingly becoming a transparent laughing stock.
- Prohibitionists are desperate to make New Zealand look bad.
- We’re witnessing the end of the beginning of these evil laws.
- ACLU says too little, too late about “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Nothing makes authoritarians lose their shit faster than sex.
- Sex work is work, and there is no specific “sex worker type”.
- Brooke Magnanti reviews Julie Bindel’s latest farrago of lies.
- Go on, keep telling me how the slippery slope is a “fallacy”.
- I’m really enjoying “grocery store sex trafficking” hysteria.
- This is why sex workers shouldn’t “debate” prohibitionists.
- Why governments are more dangerous than corporations.
- IJM is one of the sleaziest of the rescue industry groups.
- Beware of hotels eager to suck the cocks of “authorities”.
- What might the internet look like if SESTA isn’t stopped?
- Melissa Petro on her post-sex work dating experiences.
- Anyone surprised by this knows nothing about women.
- The anti-porn loons are completely losing their minds.
- This year’s “creepy clown” panic is off to a good start.
- Imagine this article in an American parenting column.
- On the anti-whore hostility of Canadian “authorities”.
- The leading edge of a wedge is often extremely thin.
- Ignore step two, but the rest of this is pretty good.
- How can an anonymous blogger accept donations?
- Before reporters recognized sugaring as sex work.
- Zimbabwean sex workers demonstrate their clout.
- It’s nice to see at least a few reporters waking up.
- How can I make sex good for my virgin girlfriend?
- What a column written on diazepam looks like.
- Shawna: A Life on the Sex Offender Registry.
- Former sex workers and NPR “sex trafficking”.
- Dayton, Ohio joins the “Dear John” letter fad.
- Anti-sex crusaders love their pseudoscience.
- An unusual portrayal of sex work in cinema.
- Censorship in the name of “THE CHILDREN!”
- Unwise monkeys censoring their own input.
- The Swedish model protects sex workers!
- As I keep saying over and over and over.
- Brooke Magnanti on sex, lies & statistics.
- Number of charges ≠ number of victims.
- From DV Bowl to “Sex Trafficking” Bowl.
- Julian Assange & the rise of censorship.
- The real result of “sex trafficking” laws.
- “Sex robot” hysteria gets ever sillier.
- A whirlwind trip to San Francisco.
- Saint Nicholas, patron of whores.
- Rapist cops of September, 2017.
- Barbie was once a sex worker.
- The last full run of my move.
- The end of the move at last.
- “Scientific” porn detection.
- Travel, travel, travel!