Arbitrary social conventions have no more resemblance to real morality than pantomime horses have to thoroughbreds. – “Heart of Gold”
- Fascinating to see fetishists convincing themselves their fantasies are real.
- The Maoist cult whose members were at first called “slaves” by the media.
- Vanillas who can’t recognize repressed kink when they see it are hilarious.
- Next they’ll wonder why women working “illegally” increases dramatically.
- “It’s hard to imagine a more predictable abuse of authority,” Maggie said.
- Theresa May using “sex trafficking” as an excuse to destroy civil liberties.
- It’s quite nice to see my ideas quoted positively in the mainstream press.
- As long as these laws exist, all women are vulnerable to cop persecution.
- If a cop rapes you, say he paid you instead. THAT he’ll get in trouble for.
- Why can’t reporters write about murders of whores without lurid bullshit?
- “Feminist” reporter says women are too stupid to manage our own lives.
- Moral panics don’t end until they start disrupting lives of well-connected.
- Are politicians stupider than other people, or does it just seem that way?
- Liz Brown discovers a revolting pattern in US vice cops’ recent behavior.
- Delusional anti-drug nonsense sounds like delusional anti-sex nonsense.
- Kenyan sex work articles can be just as weirdly stupid as Nigerian ones.
- Unlike US media, Canadians willing to call anti-whore rubbish what it is.
- Cracked has a far more realistic view of sex work than “serious” media.
- Femen’s main goal seems to be the generation of irony from hypocrisy.
- The definition of “sexual predator” used here is too broad to be useful.
- Another pogrom in the pocket police-state that is Polk County, Florida.
- I honestly couldn’t think of what other category I could put this under.
- “Expert sex therapists” have never labelled “sex addiction” a disorder.
- Yet the government still won’t admit that the TSA attracts pedophiles.
- Of all the semi-whores, none are as pompous as licensed masseuses.
- Don’t teach kids about sex; fill their heads with anti-sex propaganda.
- Eva Keene on the larger implications of the persecution of Backpage.
- “Pizzagate” was a predictable outgrowth of “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- What “legalized and heavily regulated” actually looks like in practice.
- New payment processor, new rhetoric, same old anti-whore bullshit.
- Ashley Madison still won’t admit to the known fact that it uses bots.
- Fetishist admits her “information” is bullshit, yet teaches it anyway.
- Sex workers need to keep fighting charges from “sting” operations.
- “Pizzagate” lunacy sprang directly from “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Because pigs still don’t have enough excuses to cage people yet.
- We can’t find any “victims”, yet the “problem” is “overwhelming”.
- More than two years later, Mexico City’s whores are still fighting.
- One of the more predictable uses of the “sex trafficking” excuse.
- Jesse Walker on the long American tradition of rescue fantasies.
- Another example of the “limited hours for massage parlors” fad.
- Quite possibly the stupidest prohibitionist argument of the year.
- It’s always great to see good December 17th essays from allies.
- Indian feminists’ enlightenment puts American ones to shame.
- Just in case you think being a “legal” sex worker protects you.
- Criminalization exposes whores to danger from real criminals.
- Prohibition turns every individual’s body into a “crime scene”.
- Liz Brown is as suspicious of the Sherri Papini case as I am.
- A call for decriminalization in Australia’s Northern Territory.
- Well, if Wonder Woman can teach breast self-examination…
- Reflecting on three years of dramatic changes in my life.
- We haven’t seen claims this ridiculous in quite a while.
- How sex workers brought civilization to the Wild West.
- You mean pictures don’t have magic anti-love powers?
- “Concerned parents” is a euphemism for “busybodies”.
- How do escorts command more respect from clients?
- A disproportionate number of actual pimps are cops.
- The dystopian future of Minority Report has arrived.
- Presenting the tenth member of my Hall of Shame.
- The first in-blog hinting about my upcoming move.
- For those of you who still insist I’m an alarmist.
- And this is different from the US…how, exactly?
- How can I get a provider to give me a referral?
- Yet another reminder that my time is not free.
- A judge agrees that the law says what it says.
- A rare victory for victims of legalized robbery.
- America’s love-hate relationship with whores.
- Preparing for the holidays, a visit and a tour.
- Proofreading The Forms of Things Unknown.
- Another round of persecution of TRB users.
- A sneak peak at my story “Trust Exercise”.
- On the futility of attempts to block porn.
- I love it when they feed on each other.
- This is what a moral panic looks like.
- The judge, the feds and the stripper.
- Called it. Five and a half years ago.
- The rescue industry is big business.
- No torches, but a mob nonetheless.
- The five victims of Jack the Ripper.
- 70% of sex workers have children.
- The “hooker with a heart of gold”.
- Essentially, a mobile tippelzone.
- Rapist cops of November, 2016.
- Me, on the Politics of Sex Work.
- Do as they say, not as they do.
- What could possibly go wrong?
- When will journalists grow up?
- Dare we hope this is a trend?
- My January 2017 tour dates.
- The panic industry at work.
- On sex workers’ families.
- Ever more hilarious.
- On pricing.
- Hi.