The most heroic actions are those which are performed only because they are right, and not for glory. – “Whore Madonnas”
- Cops raping whores is so ubiquitous, others pose as cops to facilitate rape.
- “Pimp” classification schemes are among the stupidest tropes of the panic.
- Bizarre, stilted language is used to describe a very ordinary escort service.
- The “big events” that supposedly attract “sex trafficking” grow ever sillier.
- A craptastic mixture of the obvious, the pearl-clutching & the dead wrong.
- Prohibition turns bodies into “crime scenes” which cops can violate at will.
- Media never tire of presenting ordinary sexwork practices as new & novel.
- Sex workers who pretend they aren’t are almost as bad as prohibitionists.
- I wonder if any of them recognize how pathetic their denials sound to us?
- Another crime victim caged to force participation in a state morality play.
- In case you thought cops raping whores to arrest us was just a US thing.
- Aussie reporters lap up noxious idiocy vomited out by “rescue” fetishists.
- Calling a prison an “immigration centre” doesn’t make it less of a prison.
- There aren’t enough real “victims”, so the rescue industry creates fakes.
- Pro-censorship loon wants parents to panic about “artificial necrophilia”.
- Remember, cops: raping whores is OK; it’s paying them fairly that isn’t.
- They “see it as a business transaction” because that’s exactly what it is.
- The gap between what actually happened & what cops claim happened.
- Let’s hope this myth is dead, or at least nearly so, by the next election.
- “Religious” guy spends time gawking at, then defacing escort websites.
- Why idiocies like “mid-range prostitution is new” infuriate me so much.
- Hawaii joins other states in recriminalizing acts that are already illegal.
- This is obvious to whores, but it’s nice to see academics discovering it.
- Seoul adopts ever-sleazier tactics to please its masters in Washington.
- Migrant women harassed by cops who declare them infantile “victims”.
- Every little bit helps to undermine the “sin and degradation” narrative.
- Calling a prison “Freedom Place” is as Orwellian as one could imagine.
- Portraying whores as depraved monsters rather than pathetic victims.
- A thorough debunking of “sex trafficking” hysteria by Brittany Turner.
- It’s great to see a sex worker run for office, especially when she wins.
- It’s only a “shock” to those who live with their heads in their rectums.
- Scaling back claims about Charlotte, NC being a “sex trafficking hub”.
- Florida cops claim to “help” marginalized women by brutalizing them.
- Government uses especially nasty crimes to undermine liberty for all.
- Even among “sex trafficking” publicity stunts, this is painfully stupid.
- When will lawheads learn whores can’t be vanished by proclamation?
- Note this was accomplished by the usual whorearchical line-drawing.
- How about “calling on police” to stop arresting sex workers, period?
- Pro-censorship morons are still trying to destroy the entire internet.
- No, you fucking filthy liar, it’s not “unique” and you fucking know it.
- Clueless reporter is surprised that most whores’ clients are married.
- Ever wonder where all those supposed “sex trafficking victims” are?
- People need to be frequently reminded of what Ruhama actually is.
- Batman, Sesame Street, socialism, cops, “rescue” and much more.
- Labeling a particular street a “hotbed” of sex work or “trafficking”.
- “Fancy”, “It’s All the Same”, and “Texas Has a Whorehouse In It”.
- If interstate highways are so dangerous, why don’t we ban them?
- More mainstream media are debunking “sex trafficking” hysteria.
- Anybody we claim is a victim is one, regardless of what she says.
- You know things have changed when this can appear in the VOA.
- Is it OK to ask a sex worker friend if she’d see me professionally?
- Do you want prosecution for acts that weren’t illegal at the time?
- This is pretty typical of the level of “evidence” in sex work trials.
- “Anti-trafficking” publicity stunts are growing ever more bizarre.
- Are clients of sex work as varied as those of other service work?
- A vile collection of prohibitionist lies, mostly from a prosecutor.
- The deep connection between the rescue & garment industries.
- Is the ACLU finally beginning to do the right thing, at long last?
- I hope people don’t get the idea that this is unique to Oakland.
- Marin County isn’t really small, but this is still patently absurd.
- Without full decriminalization, cops will always harass whores.
- Note how closely this resembles “sex trafficking” propaganda.
- Prohibition turns every individual’s body into a “crime scene”.
- This is not “decriminalization” as some sources are reporting.
- This story has far too many lapses to be considered credible.
- Even when Vice isn’t being directly prohibitionist, it’s no ally.
- Yet another surveillance tool for hunting down sex workers.
- Dr. Marty Klein on the recent upsurge in anti-porn hysteria.
- An article so totally ridiculous I felt compelled to vivisect it.
- A guest columnist writes about Dennis Hof & Lamar Odom.
- This is pretty appalling, especially given the disease factor.
- It’s impossible to overstate how important this reversal is.
- Another in an anti-“sex offender” registry series from Vox.
- How “authorities” intentionally spread diseases in prisons.
- Seattle pigs conspire to destroy literally hundreds of lives.
- Judge orders jury to find an “authority” not guilty of rape.
- The answer is, “Because it doesn’t actually exist as such”.
- Germany prepares a horrible new set of anti-whore laws.
- This campaign has Swanee Hunt’s foul stench all over it.
- This jewel of self-contradiction was too good to pass up.
- “Sex trafficking” is a convenient excuse for any tyranny.
- Prohibitionist nuns hunt down American whores as well.
- NPR licks the arsehole of “Truckers Against Trafficking”.
- Another small country stands up to American bullying.
- Hey, kids! Fight “human trafficking” for fun and profit!
- There aren’t many genuine cases of coercion like this.
- Don’t try to get freebies from sex workers. Seriously.
- Chi Adanna Mgbako on sex worker activism in Africa.
- But picket-fence queers say cops aren’t our enemies.
- $60 would’ve been a cheap price to pay for a lesson.
- Another example of what real sex slavery looks like.
- The Philippines’ weird crusade against “cybersex”.
- I’m rather skeptical of the claimed disparity here.
- And her police record is important…why, exactly?
- Laura Lee braves the hostile waters of Mumsnet.
- A nice article on the Desiree Alliance conference.
- The woman I’ll always think of as my “little girl”.
- Kate Iselin gets it, though four years after I did.
- Notable American proponents of “end demand”.
- A rebuttal to Madison Graham’s guest column.
- Heading to the Desiree Alliance conference.
- The “condoms in porn” controversy begins.
- The madonna/whore dichotomy is bullshit.
- More on EMPOWER’s sex work museum.
- Don’t think this is unique to Oakland.
- China aspires to be more like the US.
- The Desiree Alliance in New Orleans.
- An apology for inadvertent offense.
- My favorite New Orleans eateries.
- Don’t say I didn’t tell you before.
- This is what “rescue” looks like.
- It’s enough to make one vomit.
- Good riddance to bad rubbish.
- More articles like this, please.
- Sweet, sweet schadenfreude.
- “Next generation of condom”.
- My very first update column.
- Glenn Kessler does it again.
- Writing a column in the air.
- A lovely weekend-long gig.
- Fault Lines interviews me.
- Rapist cops of July 2016.
- A short trip to Portland.
- The story of Storyville.
- My sixth anniversary.
- Say their names.