Stupidity, ignorance, prudishness, statism, control-freakishness and bigotry run deep in human society. – “Luck Has Nothing To Do With It”
As I explained last month, I’ve decided to start shifting the way these back issue columns are done to include one week of columns from 2010, as the beginning of a shift toward eventually making this a “ten years ago this month” feature (yes, it’s been almost that long now). The reason for that is because due to all the recurring columns such as news, links and diaries, there aren’t as many to talk about as there used to be. For November 2015, we had holiday columns for The Day of the Dead, Guy Fawkes Day, Armistice Day, Friday the Thirteenth, Thanksgiving and Yuletide; also two guest columns (one from Domina Elle and another from an escort telling the truth about Charlie Sheen’s escort-dating habits); plus a fictional interlude (“Boss Lady“); three Q&A columns (“Faithless“, “Connection“, and “The Gift of Sight“); and a rebuke to idiots who think I’m required to give them personalized synopses of my entire oeuvre for free (“Not Your Monkey“). That leaves no other columns to describe specifically, so it’s good I can also mention several very old columns: my very first one introducing the blog, a debunking of myths about Streetwalkers, an examination of the line between paid and unpaid dating, and a refutation of the madonna/whore duality.