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Bachelorette Survival Boxes

By Youngandcraftysisters



bachelorette survival boxes


Brittany’s bachelorette party was in Austin, TX. All of the girls that came had to travel and I wanted to create these cute little “survival” boxes that I have seen before as a thank you for driving all this way.


If you Pinterest or Google “bachelorette survival kits” you will find tons of ideas. I just sort of combined some of the ideas and came up with my own at the same time. These can become quite expensive if you are making a lot.


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I purchased the plain white boxes and ribbon from Michaels. The boxes were around $2 a piece. I think the ribbon was around $6 each but I used a coupon. I chose two different kinds to change up the look.


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I put a dab of hot glue on the inside of the box lid.


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Wrap the ribbon around and hot glue the other side.


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I thought it looked really boring with only one piece of ribbon. I went back to Michaels and got some thinner ribbon in the opposite color and used the same concept as above but added a bow to the middle.


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Next, fill your box up! I put some tissue paper on the bottom for color and filler.


Here is what my boxes included:

Mini Water

Granola Bar

Listerine pouches

Wine wipes

Face Wipes

Pony tail holders


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These were pretty easy to whip up and have a little souvenir box of the weekend to keep. They were a hit!


Hannah Signature

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