A few weeks ago I got for my little one a rabbit knitted blanket from Gamiss.
I like it so much, it's super cute, light weight design, it's just perfect for traveling. My little one loves it, it's his nap time blanket.
It's just beautiful and perfectly soft for baby. Rabbit knitted design is very sweet.
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One of my favorite moment with my baby boy is when I'm putting him to sleep at night. He has his milk bottle, we read a story, after I put a little light for him and let him to fall asleep.
Sometimes he falls asleep right away, sometimes he plays a little bit with his toys in the bed.
But, every time just before he falls asleep, he's asking me the same question. He goes Mamooo (he calls me mamo instead of mama).
Our every night conversation:
My little one: Mamooo!
Me: Yes, my bebe?
My little one: What is doing mamo?
Me: Mamo is relaxing on the sofa. What is doing my bebe?
My little one: I'm doing playing with my toys.
Me: That's very nice, but you should go to sleep now mon amour.
10 minutes later ...
My little one: Mamooo!
Me: Yes, my bebe?
My little one: What is doing mamo?
Me: Mamo is on the sofa. What is doing my bebe?
My little one: I'm doing sleeping.
Awww :-) sometimes the smallest things make the most room in your heart.
Baby Rabbit Knitted Soft Bed Blanket

Kiss your children good night, even if they are already asleep.H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Awww, I do it all the time. It's impossible to leave his room and not to go back to kiss him some more. You can never give too many kisses.

Sometimes the smallest things make the most room in your heart :-)