Fashion Magazine

Baby on the Way? How to Childproof Your Kitchen

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Whether you are expecting guests that have children, or plan on having a child on your own soon you will need to babyproof each area where the child will be. Be sure to childproof the kitchen, as this is usually a busy area that infants and toddlers love to explore. Here are some things you can do to make your kitchen safer for the children in your life.

Remove Dangling Cords

Preparing food with blenders, mixers, fryers, and other appliances means there may be cords hanging off the counter's edge. While that is not a problem for adults, small kids with a sense of curiosity love to tug on things to see what they are. An electrical, heavy, or hot appliance that topples onto a child could cause serious injury. Keep all cords out of children's reach.

Fasten the Cupboard Doors

Cupboard doors are another source of temptation for children. They love opening doors to see what's behind them. They will sometimes climb inside to have their own little cubby for playtime. But with food, cookware, or cleaning products stored in kitchen cupboards, it is best to latch the doors to prevent kids from opening them. You can apply special-made latches for this purpose that can later be removed or make a simpler version of your own. Some people designate one cupboard as safe for the kids to play in by stocking it with plastic containers while keeping the other cupboards latched.

Enclose or Monitor the Cooking Area

Fire has fascinated people throughout history, so it's no wonder kids are attracted to the sight and smell of cooking food on a stove, an indoor grill, or an oven. Consider barricading these areas to keep small children away. You can buy a stove with the knobs mounted on the top level rather than within children's reach. But if kids can reach the burners, it's best to enclose the area for full safety.

Keep Cutlery and Dishes Away from Countertop Edges

Always keep silverware, especially knives, as well as dishes or anything else far back from the edge of the countertops. Children love to explore with their hands and may reach up to grab whatever they can find.

Be Extra Vigilant During Kitchen Remodeling

In addition to the suggestions above, be extremely careful during kitchen remodeling in your home. Make sure tools and supplies are secured elsewhere so kids can't get to them. Clean up wood shavings or sandpaper grit and other debris to keep the kitchen hazard-free. Some remodeling projects can actually help make the kitchen safer for children such as adding extra cabinets to keep appliances off of the counter. No matter what kinds of changes you are making for your kitchen, always be sure to keep the little ones in mind first.
These precautions help to protect any children that are in your kitchen. Thinking ahead can help make the kitchen a safe and friendly environment for everyone.

About the author:

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

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