I call my husband the water nazi; I've always suffered from bad headaches and they only seemed to get worse when I was pregnant. He would make me carry a jug around and constantly bug me to be drinking more water. I know, no brainer, we need to drink water. But drinking the recommended amount isn't always as easy and I always forget to drink it throughout the day.
Since I've been working on becoming healthier for myself and my children, I was stoked when I heard about the Aveeno Daily Challenge. The challenge encouraged me to drink the recommended amount of water and use Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion everyday for 3 weeks.
If we're being honest, I probably "failed" this challenge by the requirement standpoint. I didn't drink the recommended amount of water everyday and I forgot to put lotion on quite often. As a busy mom, I'm lucky if I even get a shower let alone lotion my body when I get out. Although I didn't do this every time, I certainly loved the lotion the times I remembered to use it! It's non-oily and super silky smooth feeling. It's also proven that using it two weeks in a row significantly improves the health of skin. With active naturals colloidal oatmeal it helps to soothe and moisturize dry skin...which I seem to always have!
Although I didn't drink as much water as I would have liked to, I will say, when I started to drink more water throughout the day, I was less hungry. Especially with a fancy fruit infusing water bottle! When I added fruit to infuse the water with flavor, it kept my hunger at bay for longer than usual :) Instead of grabbing a snack between meals, I make myself a fruit infused glass of water and it keeps me full until my next meal. A win win!
Changing habits isn't something that happens overnight, or in three weeks per say. But I know how important this small lifestyle change is and I plan to continue to work my way up to 8 cups per day! I also plan to put the moisturizer right next to the shower so I can't forget it!
I'm so thankful I was able to participate in this challenge! I was featured on the Aveeno Facebook page and you can see the other women who took the challenge with me as well :) By making small changes here and there, you will be giving yourself the best gift you can...a healthy body and longer life.