Authors Behaving Badly: When Authors React Badly to Negative Reviews and Criticism! Or: How NOT to Handle Bad Reviews!
When an author puts a book out into the world they must know it's not going to get completely positive feedback. All books, throughout history, from Hamlet to The Da Vinci Code, have people who love them and people who hate them. And most authors handle the negative reviews pretty well (even if they're crying inside).

13. Emily Giffin, Plus Husband and Assistant, Run Amok on Amazon!

Who Is She: Emily Giffin, author of best-selling novels such as 'Baby Proof' and 'Something Borrowed'.

What Made the Fur Fly: OK so here is the review on Amazon that started it all:

Someone then responded who had identified the comment as coming from an account associated with the author, Emily Giffin. Her husband then clarifies that it was him who posted the comment, not Emily herself:

She continues to post about it and find it amusing, even though more and more comments are flooding into Amazon attacking the reviewer:

So, this reviewer was inspired to change her review due to Emily Giffin's, and her husband's, conduct towards reviewers. Yet, that didn't stop Emily's assistant stepping in and posting a very aggravated comment on the updated review:

Oh, and just so it's on the record, this was all posted to Emily's 26,341 followers on Twitter too:

Later, came an apology from Emily's husband through her Facebook page:

Now let's move on? I don't think it's going to be quite that easy Emily. I mean the internet is known for letting things disappear. Isn't it? Who do you think was most in the wrong in this case? Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2 Emily Giffin, Husband or Assistant? All of them? Let me know!