Books Magazine

Author Interview of Master the Mystery of Human Nature

By Levyingkishan
Author Interview of Master the Mystery of Human Nature by Scott.About the book:Author Interview of Master the Mystery of Human NatureLife is a mystery, on planet Earth, where the billions of people live their lives day to day, most not knowing what their purpose is. We can't figure out life's answers because some of us don't even know the questions to ask. It can be so confusing-sometimes even a bit maddening. In Master the Mystery of Human Nature, author D. Scott Trettenero tackles the vast and mysterious subject of human nature and unravels its secrets to give you clarity and a depth of understanding to some of the previously unanswered questions of life.He has translated the important, yet complex work of philosophers, psychologists, scientists, and other pioneers in this field into an easy-to-understand format with ideas that can be applied to everyday life. Trettenero has taken the essential aspects of their work, simplified it, and has created a new matrix that connects the dots to better explain how and why people do what they do.Master the Mystery of Human Nature helps you learn about yourself, others, and how the world works because of our differences. Conflicts will take on an entirely new meaning; things that used to be a mystery, will make sense. It will help you experience a sense of calm and freedom once you see the beauty and wonder of how our human nature reflects the balance of power in Nature and the ways that duality shapes our every experience on this earth."This is a deeply thoughtful and carefully written book. It provides an unusually practical set of tools for understanding self and evaluating others. Thank you Scott Trettenero for writing a book everyone needs to read." –Robert E Quinn, PhD, Margaret Elliot Tracy Collegiate, Professor in Business,, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Author of Deep Change About the Author:Dr D Scott Trettenero has maintained a solo dental practice in SW Florida since 1981. His research on service quality in dentistry and his interest in human temperaments formed the basis for his first book, Unlocking the T-Code. He is married and has two children.Author Website:Master the Mystery of Human NatureAuthor Interview:1. What inspired you to write the book? 
My marriage was a major part of my inspiration, being that she was my complete opposite in every way possible.  Learning to deal with our opposing values opened up new ways of thinking for me.  I did some research in service quality when I discovered Dr Robert Quinn's Competing Values Model of Business that really put some of the pieces of the puzzle together for me. It was a passion for me to put it all down on paper.
2. When did you realize that you want to write a book? 
I co-authored a number of articles for some dental journals and discovered I had interest in writing.
3. Who helped you in writing the book and please say about their contributions?
First and foremost I would have to acknowledge my friend and mentor George Scott who taught me so much about writing and style.  Next, Dr Quinn's research opened up a new way of thinking for me which helped me to formulate my ideas for this amazingly neglected aspect of life.
4. How is your book going to inspire the readers? 
Learning about the self should be everyone's priority if they desire all that life has to offer them.  Then learning about how others do what they do is very enlightening.  Then understanding how our conflicts are created by our inherent competing values opens a new world of possibilities.
5. If you are given the chance to change one thing in your book what would it be?
Possibly some more visuals.
6. How do you find time to write and which part of the day is best for writing for you?
I don't do two things which allows me time; I don't play golf and I don't drink.  (Not that I am condemning those activities.)  They just take up a lot of one's time.  I usually write during my lunch hour at work.
7. Which books have inspired you the most, in the journey of writing this book?
Napoleon Hill's Law of Success, Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Please Understand Me by Keirsey and Bates and The Course In Miracles.
8. What is the best advice, you would give for writers who are trying to write a book? 
Patience, persistence and determination.
9. What are your hobbies? 
Exercising, reading, and boating.
10. What can we expect from you in the future? 
I have another book formulated in my mind. I think it will be titled, Finding Trust in the Process: The True Meaning of Love.

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