Fashion Magazine


By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Husband - Didn't you wear the exact same thing in the previous outfit?
Me - Whaaaa? I don't think so. 
Husband - It was the same outfit - Jeans / Sweater / Jacket / Boots
Me - Erm. Ya! But its completely different pieces. They look different together.
Husband - I think it looks the same ...
Me - Regardless, even if it does ... let's just take pictures because this is what I am wearing in real life (IRL!?) ... and it is bloody cold!
I will leave it for you to decide if the last outfit and today's is same or not. But my mantra for blogging is exactly THIS - authenticity. I am not 'necessarily' dressing up for the blog and/or trying to be something I am not. This is how I would dress in real life ... outfit post or not!
Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS
Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS
Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS Jacket - Fossil Sweater - From India  Boots - Lucky Brand Gloves - SAKS
Jacket - Fossil (Similar) Sweater (previously worn here) - From India (Similar) Jeans - Miss Sixty (Similar) Boots - Lucky Brand (Similar Gloves - SAKS (Similar) Authenticity

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