If you believe, as I doyou get more of what you think of mostyou will realize how important grateful reflection actually is when it comes to howwe feel about our lives.
In an age of social mediawhen we are regularly exposedto so many doing so muchI think it's so important to take a quiet step backdisconnectand savor and enjoy our own meaningful moments.I truly believe so much of the best of lifehappen in the small moments of lifealong the way.
That's exactly what I've been doing the last three months on Instagram.This month I realized they were important enough to mefor a blog post.
(I've actually been missing my writing hereand the community it once was in the blogging world.)

I have always been a big reflectorbut it has become more important to me not only as I get olderbut also coming out of some really hard years.
Years that seemingly had megathering all of the bad and hardinto a life narrative for a time.
I started to feel so much betterwhen I accepted that oftenlife is really hard and sadbut at the same timethere is magic and beauty everydaywhen we look for it everywhere.

I write this as much for myselfas anyone.
A reminder"keep my eyes on my own page'meaning my own lifeand all I'm grateful for. in my life.
This summer for several reasons Jeff and I weren't travelingso when ever I felt a bit of a self pity party arisingI dug deeperto truly experience the daily great in my life.It was transformativein taking the veil of disappointmentrevealing all the daily magic that actually was there!
So here are some of my favorite August moments.

I am so grateful for my Artisan Design Fashion Accessory BusinessShop Tamera Beardsleyand my wonderful clients.Fulfilling orders feels like sending out love into the world!

I am grateful Jeff and I live in such a beautiful part of the worldand that we are healthy and able to hike here.

And have fun doing photo shoots together.

I had a beautiful beach walk with my girl.

I truly savored my summer home and garden decor.Changing things out seasonallykeeps things fresh for meand helps me really savor the seasons.
I have even started changing my lounging robes seasonally.It really is the little things.

In the summer monthsit's always blue and white additions to my neutral palette.

My favorite addition this summer has beenmy inflatable pool.I've gotten a crazy amount of joy from something so simple!Jeff uses a pump to empty the pool through the hosewe then use to water the gardens!
I pulled my rattan bar cart from the frontwhich gave me a drink station with musicand space for towels!My beach umbrella kept everything cool.
Since we weren't travelingI turned our little suburban backyardinto my very own little resort!

I have added new neighborhood walksinto getting my daily miles in.Not traveling had me on the hunt for all the beautyin my own area.

No surpriseso many of my favorite moments this summerare the ones spent with our darling grandchildren.They have been back locally for a year nowandI savor and enjoy every single moment with themnever, ever taking any of it for granted.
Someone told megrandchildren are the desert of lifeI couldn't agree more!

I love studio time with this sweet girl!

When my boys were little Brio trains were a constant.I remember happily buying them allthinking I would save them all for the grandkids to play with someday.Someday has arrived beautifully!

I got to have some park time with this cutie!One of his favorite parts and minereading books from the little free librarysome lovely soul put at the park.Dax likes to sit on my lap on the bench as we read storiestalk about meaningful moments in my heart!

My very favorite moment this monthgetting to see our sweet Lenafter her first day of kindergarten!Such a life moment for everyone!

Which of course had me thinking of the very dayEllis started!
And how it feels like yesterdayand a lifetime agoall at the very same time.

I couldn't be prouder of my son Hunter and his wife Meganfor being just the best parents to these two!

This month I also attended a luxury fashion event at South Coast Plazahighlighting on of the newly redone wings.

I wore some pieces of a Signature CollectionI've been working on for quite some time.

It was fun to get dressed up and see the new fall fashions!
Well that concludes my monthly reflections.For any of you who have actually read all of this I thank you so much for being here!
I have neglected my poor blog here for so longI am truly touched by anyone who still visits!!
So here's to savoring and enjoyingall of the good we can find in our very own lives!
So much of life is about our ownPerceptions and ExpectationsHalf of having a great lifeis believing you do!
May you you find and savor all of the magic in your own life.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life