Books Magazine

Attachments- Rainbow Rowell

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Attachments- Rainbow Rowell
Synopsis (from amazon)

It’s 1999 and for the staff of one newspaper office, the internet is still a novelty. By day, two young women, Beth and Jennifer, spend their hours emailing each other, discussing in hilarious detail every aspect of their lives, from love troubles to family dramas. And by night, Lincoln, a shy, lonely IT guy spends his hours reading every exchange.

At first their emails offer a welcome diversion, but as Lincoln unwittingly becomes drawn into their lives, the more he reads, the more he finds himself falling for one of them. By the time Lincoln realizes just how head-over-heels he really is, it’s way too late to introduce himself. What would he say to her? ‘Hi, I’m the guy who reads your e-mails – and also, I think I love you’.

After a series of close encounters, Lincoln decides it’s time to muster the courage to follow his heart? And find out whether there really is such a thing as love before first-sight.


Everybody seems to love Rainbow Rowell right now. I was intrigued to see what was so special about her. Even people who don’t normally review YA seemed to love her, so I thought there must be something. I went for Attachments because it’s her adult novel. I thought it would be  the most…sophisticated, I guess.

I did I suppose expect chick-lit, it sounds like chick-lit. It’s probably the category that Attachments most easily fits into. The style is a little different though. For one thing the main focus is probably Lincoln, where it would usually be a woman in chick-lit. There was a strong focus on Jennifer too, but maybe a little less than to Lincoln. We mainly saw her through her e-mails, we knew a little more about her than Lincoln did, but mainly we knew her as Lincoln did.

I’m not sure why more chick-lit isn’t written like this- with the reader seeing how the man thinks and feels. Surely he can be more attractive if you can see what he is really like? How much he loves his leading lady? With Lincoln it seems even better because he doesn’t know what Jennifer looks like. He falls in love with her personality, before he become physically attracted to her.

In terms of chick-lit it’s very good. Cute. You feel you really get to know the characters, you can see why Lincoln loves Jennifer, and you can love Lincoln himself. Plus there is a very everyday type feel to it. No real dramatic romantic moments, just real life. No perfect, a few pitfalls. Real.

I like the kindle cover, by the way, it’s like one of those magic eye pictures.


Buy it: Paperback (£5.59) Kindle (£3.99)

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