Hair & Beauty Magazine

At 30

By Sparklingker @sparklingker

at 30

Yesterday I turned the big 3 0. How did I spend my day? We spent it moving houses, most tiring birthday ever. You know what’s funny? I used to think turning 30 was a pretty scary thing. When I was 18, I thought 30 year olds were so old. But now that I’m 30, I feel no different to when I was 22, probably feeling better now than I did before.

Here’s 30 random facts and achievements of my life so far:

  1. I created this blog!
  2. I once wanted to be a flight attendant but I gave up on the idea because I was too lazy to get a first aid certificate.
  3. I have moved out of home for 3 years now.
  4. I don’t know how to cook, we live off take out.
  5. I have completed two university degrees which I regret now since I’m still paying it off.
  6. I have traveled to only a few countries – Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, US & Canada.
  7. I got married.
  8. I speak broken Cantonese. It’s getting worse by the day, since I don’t speak it everyday.
  9. I’m learning to be a more confident person.
  10. We bought our very own home together this year.
  11. I’ve learnt not to be afraid to end friendships that pull you down.
  12. My favorite food right now is the Bonegilla from Jimmy Grants and Kim Chi soup from Oriental Spoon.
  13. I got a new job this year, yay!
  14. Over the last 4-5years, I have learnt to relax and not worry about missing out on stuff. FOMO used to really get to me.
  15. My makeup collection has grown 50x in the last two years.
  16. My makeup skills have improved since I started this blog.
  17. We have no pets yet.
  18. I buy a lot of work clothes but only end up wearing the same ones over and over again.
  19. I still don’t know what I want to do (career wise), I’m just plotting along right now.
  20. I haven’t dyed my hair since I was 22/23.
  21. My favorite burger from Maccas is fillet o fish.
  22. My shoulders can no longer handle a heavy handbag (sigh…signs of getting old).
  23. I have a tendency to create things I can’t maintain. The hubs was very surprised that this blog is still going.
  24. I like buying things for the bargain.
  25. Ever since having a smart phone, I am addicted to it and must have it by my side all the time.
  26. I used to love playing FPS (First Person Shooter) games and have participated in league matches.
  27. Throughout high school and university, I have always had short spikey hair.
  28. I have 7 piercing on my ear but I rarely wear earrings so people who know me won’t even noticed.
  29. Since creating this blog, I have had the opportunity to try out many awesome products and services that I would have been able to.
  30. I am in a new age bracket!

I  hope you enjoy reading this post and thanks for reading!!

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