Remember the times we read mix aged children studying under the shade of a tree by rishis and gurus? Time flies!
Now we find schools and education institutes everywhere around. With traffic getting busier and roads flooded with vehicles, it has become an obligation to choose buses for the safety of school going children.
From the time my status changed from a 'lady' to 'mom', it's all about the safety of the treasured one. Though the transition never pushed thoughts, however I realize the importance of her safety at every step, every day. Talking about growing children, their minds are still at the verge of nourishment. A single wrong action may leave behind a bad impact on their minds.
The headlines we read each day are so threatening!
As parents, we should take right decisions in the s chool bus safety for kids.
Today I introduce you to India's unique programme by Tata Motors #HamareBusKiBaatHai! This initiative involves authorities of the school and fleet owners, along with the kids and their parents to create school bus travel safety awareness.

The #HamareBusKiBaatHai Initiative:

The programme initiated by India's biggest automobile company, Tata Motors that also manufactures wide range of purpose built buses for schools believes in safe travel for school children.
The #HamareBusKiBaatHai initiative that has been symbolizing highest safety of children rests on five pillars. The programme seeks involvement of entire staff as in drivers, attendants, conductors to be well updated about their routine tasks imparting school bus safety training and educating them about behavior and psychology of children travelling to school by bus in a better way.
Concepts about the pillars of the foundation are presented to fleet bus staff over a period of five sessions.

This initiative takes care of,
It is important to understand the needs and requirements of the children and address them appropriately
Apart from hygiene, the behavior or attitude with children and parents comes foremost
Attentiveness is necessary to avoid accidents. The awareness about evacuation in case of emergency and standard operating procedure in case of accident is necessary.
- Difficulties faced by the staff bus
The stress of traffic, handling school children and other difficulties faced by the fleet staff.
Is your child safe in the school bus?
Let's take to find out the bus safety awareness measures. You can also educate and update yourself about the essence of following bus safety guidelines and explore the unique purpose built school buses by solving fun puzzles.
Take a pledge to ensure school bus safety for your child.Does your child travel by bus to the school?
Are you and your child aware about the safety of travelling by school bus?
I hope to count each parent concerned about their child safety in to pledge for the Safe Travel, by not being defensive, by educating children about bus travel etiquettes, by cooperating and staying safe from road mishaps, bullying and other threatful activities, by making a safe travel pledge.
Let's build a safe youth by educating ourselves and training children on behaving nicely in school bus. Ensure a happy travel to the school and back home by spreading awareness about the initiative #HamareBusKiBaatHai. To know more about this initiative, you can visit their facebook page.
Stay safe!