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Ashlee Burdg Makes Buckets, Blocks and History Playing on

By Suziblu @busybeeSI
Date: 2017-04-11 00:44 More videos "Essays on basketball history and rules"

"When you're feeling like that as a basketball player,'' said McNamara before stopping to think about Gillon's game. "It's the rare occasion when you're in the zone and you know every shot's going in. And you never forget those feelings.''

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Gillon pushed the ball up-court, but as he veered toward the sideline, he encountered Andrew White. And White's defender.

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I think my post is really challenging some part of your instruction and that explains the tone in your response and in Ignatz's.

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You're completely misreading my post. This is not about freewrites, journals, rants, and blogs. It's about using those brainstorming techniques to produce viable, thoughtful argumentative writing in a classic form.

One the one hand, dynasties are fun. We just went through the New England Patriots. People are hoping the Cubs will become a dynasty. Obviously, you talk to a Yankee fan, they love that over the years. As much as people hate the Yankees, people love the Yankees.

Any format can create uninteresting and ineffective essays. At each step of the writing process we have to ask our students if we're involving the reader in some way. Why begin an expository essay with a boring "My parents brought me to this country when I was five years old" when one could engage the reader's interest with a tantalizing "I was too young to understand what was hapenning, but my grandmother's tears told me that my life was about to change forever."

As a student with dyslexia and an auditory processing disorder the five paragraph essay gave me access. I needed a way to hold my thinking and organize my thoughts and the five paragraph essay framework was perfect. Today I teach it to every one of my students and truly believe I am doing them a service. I would be glad to teach additional frameworks in addition to the paragraph essay but I am unwilling to sacrifice it. For me it is an equity issue and I hold to a belief that all students deserve a chance.

Another damaging aspect of using five paragraphs is that students find it almost impossible to do anything but write in expository paragraphs. If we use Aristotle's original form instead, students are able to incorporate compare/contrast, cause/effect, definition, or analysis paragraphs as appropriate. We'll have more modes to teach students will have more options.

"I heard them on the defensive end saying go under the screen,'' Lydon said. "Once I heard them say that I told him if they do that keep laying them up. His shot was unbelievable.''

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