I have a bridal shower this weekend for a friend of our family, so my sister and I have been working on getting ready for that. We are in charge of the desserts part of the shower, which frankly is my utmost favorite part! I have also made quite a few printables and have to make the cake, cookies, and truffles for it so I will share all of the photos after the shower, in case the bride-to-be peeks in and reads this. ;-)
On the DIY front, Dustin and I have picked up the wood for the kids bathroom project, the 3 shower curtains have been hemmed and sewn together to create two really long ones. Now to figure out if I can find a plastic liner online that is as long as the shower curtains or as close to it as I can get. If you by chance know of anywhere that sells longer shower curtain liners please share your wisdom.
Last night, I went on www.art.com to order the artwork for the kids bathroom and they are currently having a 20% off Sale through tomorrow the 20th so I went ahead and purchased it.

Another thing I did last night was hum and ha over tile for the house. I want the tile to be the same style in the mudroom as well as the bathrooms and laundry room. I love the 12 x 24 for the mudroom and the smaller tile for the other spaces, but choosing just the right one to go with what I envision in my head is the hard part. Oh and whatever I choose has gotta be cheap!
Here are my tile choices...

I am leaning towards the Avila Ceramic Tile in Gris Porcelain or the Mitte Gray Glazed Porcelain. Do you have a fav out of the bunch? Now I am off to choose the exact Navy blue that I will be painting my kids bathroom cabinet with. Be back soon to see what you think of the ones I find! If you enjoyed this post and don't want to miss out ;-) click up top there on the right and follow along! For information on my on-line design services, please click here For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email seasideinteriors01@gmail.com for pricing and availability. Seaside Interiors