Fashion Magazine

Art of Giving Compliments

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I believe giving compliments is an art. One which I am terrible at. Half the time I don't know what to say and when I do manage to put some words together they sound so mainstream ... like, "You look great. OR You look lovely!" How Meh! ... most unimaginative phrases in the art-of-compliment-giving. 

You know who is excellent at giving compliments? This lady. When she gives you a compliment she isn't just praising you, she is practically making you look at yourself in a new-bright-light. She creates magic with her words. You feel so much better about yourself. You cannot help but float between the clouds. Any time I try to give her a compliment and feel, "Yeah, Tanvi. You did a decent job at it today!" she comes back with an even more articulate and heartwarming response. I practically have given up on matching even coming close, in comparison, to her in this art. I just graciously accept her kind words and believe that she would know how much I admire her even if I cannot say it in as many words.

Getting back to me getting compliments: I have recently been called Brave - Bold - Fearless, by several people, which made me feel A) Awesome and B) that I actually appreciate those adjectives more than Pretty - Lovely - Beautiful and the likes. While the later category does make feel nice but a part of me is always unconvinced. I do not associate those adjectives with myself. As mentioned before, "Beauty, is but supported by opinion." I think I am decent looking, I have an O.K. (ever-changing) dressing sense and I can manage to carry myself well. But I can never really take those phases/words seriously. Of course they sound lovely when I get them, but they don't make my insides go, "Yeah! Baby!" - Y'know what I mean?

On the other hand, Brave - Bold - Fearless - now we are talking. I can totally associate myself with these words. I do not feel the need to convince myself or justify these compliment (to my brain). I can whole heartedly accept them. Scratch that - I can own them. They are in fact my favorite-kinda-compliments. 

     We are starting to get kinda lazy with out photo shoot location.  We have found this nook where the light, distance, etc. works. Its just makes it so much easier. 
Ted Baker, Maxi, TJ Maxx, Home, Weekend, Casual Wear,

Ted Baker, Maxi, TJ Maxx, Home, Weekend, Casual Wear,

Ted Baker, Maxi, TJ Maxx, Home, Weekend, Casual Wear,, Crazy & Co.

Ted Baker, Maxi, TJ Maxx, Home, Weekend, Casual Wear,

Ted Baker, Maxi, TJ Maxx, Home, Weekend, Casual Wear,

Top - Ted Baker [10']
Maxi - via TJ Maxx [13'] Other Options
Ring & Pendant - Crazy & Co. [12']
Footwear - Pretty Fit [07'] On My Radar
Art of Giving Compliments

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